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Enslaved by Indoor Ducks
11 Years
Nov 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
I posted something under emergencies too just in case....

It seems my poor victor has a cold. he's got a runny nose and seems sick. nothing scary or grave, but he might require an antibiotic in the near future. Ming Mei is also suffering from some boo=boos on her feet and has been sitting more often. I've been cleanign them, soaking her in her espom salt/betadine bath every night and wrapping her feet up in water proof bandages. they don't seem to have gotten infected badly as to be a full blown case of bumblefoot. i can not feel and hard puss and it seems to be doing better, but she also might need some medicine. her feet are a bit swollen and there are a few scabs, bt it doesn't look bas like it did last time. they've both taken baytril before for foot/egg binding issues, but you need a Rx for baytril. I don't think we need to go to the vet just yet, and was wondering about antibiotics you can buy at a feed store or over online? any ideas or info would be welcome... i won't give them anything unless the vet says it's okay, but i want to be prepared and know my medicines...
we gave in and took ming mei to the vet since she was not very interested in eating... vet gave us baytril again, in a different form, and some pain meds for her. she also gave us a topical antibiotic and a pain med. poor ducky
Glancing at that list, it's safe to say it is not all-inclusive. Notable missing entries include: common bacterial infections (streptococcus, staphylococcus, salmonella) and influenza. Depending on the strain of the flu and a person's immune system you can catch the flu from a sick duck.

A far more serious disease (though fortunately relatively uncommon) is West Nile Virus which requires mosquitoes to transfer the infection between humans and ducks (or other birds and animals).
Does the veterinarian know that you put your ducks in diapers for hours at a time? Having fecal matter pressed up against the ducks skin and rotting the feathers away is a very unhealthy practice, and provides a good breeding ground for all sorts of diseases.
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