Anticipating flooding in chicken run--ideas?

Thanks! I thought about pallets but can't get them home in my car. I already have several platforms, roosts, etc., so that should help.
How about logs? We actually have two "whole" sections sitting upright (grain-side up) and a few sideways in my bachelor coop and run. The Boys hop back and forth like kids jumping across a stream on rocks ... even when the ground is dry. It's highly entertaining to watch them play "King Of The Hill," too!
I also found (super-cheaply) an old wooden stepladder that was too flimsy to fulfill its' original function. The seller offered it as a plant stand, but Nope. It's now a perch! Your run is big enough to hold one... check out your local thrift shops ... but avoid the metal ones ... frostbitten feet are nasty!

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