Ants on baby chick. I am so upset. UPDATE


Animal Lover Supreme
10 Years
Apr 27, 2009
Beaumont, Texas
It is warm here and I had a broody hen, so I put my chicks with her outside in a special broody pen. I just went out to check and one baby was covered in ants. I grabbed her and got them off of her, suffering about a zillion bites myself. I brought all the chicks in so that they wouldn't get attacked.

I don't think this chick is going to make it. She is just lying there. I hate fire ants.

I was working my colt the other day and fire ants got on the lunge rope and bit both me AND the colt.

Is there anything I can do for her???
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I'm having an ant problem myself here. I bought some ant baits and put them around my broodies but at lunch today one of the old-timers I eat with said put horse fly repellent around them. Spray the base of the nest of where every they have to cross, soak some paper with it and put it under the nests but not where the babies will come in contact with it. I'm going to try it.
Well, the plot thickens. The chick with the ants died. But then ANOTHER chick died and now I have another having a hard time standing up. The chick that the ants got on was not doing that well BEFORE the ants, but I thought she was just tired.

If this last chick succumbs, then that will be 3 that arrived today. I have raised at least 50 chicks and never lost one. So something is going on with this clutch I am thinking.

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