Anxiety about more chicken deaths!!


5 Years
Aug 24, 2015
Hamden, CT
Sorry this is a long post. I have 2 separate cliques with my chickens. 1 alpha Orpington that is the oldest of all of them at 3 that is paired with 3 Easter Eggers that are 2. The other clique are all one and it was a Silkie rooster, polish and a mix lakenvelder and ameracauna.

2 weeks ago, it was really humid and hot here in CT and i ended up having to dip my chickens in the pool to cool them off. Unfortunately my polish died from the heat. Over the weekend i had to put my chickens inside my cool basement because i was not going to be around for 30 hours and i always have someone take care of them. I came home today and the lakenvelder mix was not acting like herself.i put them all out. She started looking pale and just standing and staring into thin air. I picked her up and she didn’t mind which was unlike her. I looked at her vent, and smelled her breath to look for any reasons why she would be anemic but found nothing visible. She went under and bush and closed her eyes. I knew it was the end. Within 2 hours, she passed. I don’t take these lightly. It hurts me every time. I don’t know what happened and it’s now freaking me out. I don’t want to lose anymore. I am hoping someone has some idea or inkling of what it could’ve been to ease my anxieties.
Thank you for reading

So sorry for your loss. I don't know what happened but I have had birds that were fine one day and die the next day with nothing apparently wrong. Hopefully someone may have an answer for you.
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Sorry this is a long post. I have 2 separate cliques with my chickens. 1 alpha Orpington that is the oldest of all of them at 3 that is paired with 3 Easter Eggers that are 2. The other clique are all one and it was a Silkie rooster, polish and a mix lakenvelder and ameracauna.

2 weeks ago, it was really humid and hot here in CT and i ended up having to dip my chickens in the pool to cool them off. Unfortunately my polish died from the heat. Over the weekend i had to put my chickens inside my cool basement because i was not going to be around for 30 hours and i always have someone take care of them. I came home today and the lakenvelder mix was not acting like herself.i put them all out. She started looking pale and just standing and staring into thin air. I picked her up and she didn’t mind which was unlike her. I looked at her vent, and smelled her breath to look for any reasons why she would be anemic but found nothing visible. She went under and bush and closed her eyes. I knew it was the end. Within 2 hours, she passed. I don’t take these lightly. It hurts me every time. I don’t know what happened and it’s now freaking me out. I don’t want to lose anymore. I am hoping someone has some idea or inkling of what it could’ve been to ease my anxieties.
Thank you for reading
I am sorry for your loss.
These two cliques...are they normally housed separately and you moved them all together to your basement?
Aw, I'm so so sorry to hear this. :( Losing birdies is always hard. I hope I can give you some advice. Have you been providing cool (not cold), and clean water all through the day? Have you watched the birds drink the water? Do they have shade or a coop or a coop to take shelter in? Sometimes birds just have heat strokes and there isn't anything you can do about it at the time. But, I do have a last question.. Have you at any time given them very cold water, or water with ice cubes in it after they've had water that's warm or cool? Giving hot birds cold water could induce heart attacks in the birds, due to the drastic change in body temperature. It also stresses the birds' bodies so much that their tiny hearts can't take it. This is very much related to giving a hot horse cold water.. except horses' bodies can take much more shock. I'd suggest providing chilled watermelon or fruits during hot summer days so that the birds have a chance to cool down but also getting water into their bodies. I really hope I can be some sort of help.. and best of luck with your chickens!! :)
I have sprinklers in some of the pens but when they are on they cover all of the pens. I have shade trees in all of the pens and rain/shade tables. The birds get under the tables when it rains and for shade. We have had some very hot weather and I put the sprinklers on for awhile because the sand it their pens gets hot and they run through it to the shade. The water cools the sand.
Sand might be an issue if it heats up. The rising heat makes a sort of barrier.. that would probably make chickens super hot.. I don't know what else could be wrong...
I am sorry for your loss.
These two cliques...are they normally housed separately and you moved them all together to your basement?

They are housed separately at night but during the day they free range but they love to stick to their cliques. When they are in my basement, which is estimated 1 or 2 nights every month during 4 summer months, they are also put seperately in divided caged rooms. None of them fight with eachother, just are comfortable with their one cliques they had originally.
Aw, I'm so so sorry to hear this. :( Losing birdies is always hard. I hope I can give you some advice. Have you been providing cool (not cold), and clean water all through the day? Have you watched the birds drink the water? Do they have shade or a coop or a coop to take shelter in? Sometimes birds just have heat strokes and there isn't anything you can do about it at the time. But, I do have a last question.. Have you at any time given them very cold water, or water with ice cubes in it after they've had water that's warm or cool? Giving hot birds cold water could induce heart attacks in the birds, due to the drastic change in body temperature. It also stresses the birds' bodies so much that their tiny hearts can't take it. This is very much related to giving a hot horse cold water.. except horses' bodies can take much more shock. I'd suggest providing chilled watermelon or fruits during hot summer days so that the birds have a chance to cool down but also getting water into their bodies. I really hope I can be some sort of help.. and best of luck with your chickens!! :)

Thanks for the advice.
I’ve always had 1 temp water. Little cooler than room temp. I refill it numerous times a day when i see it gets dirty. I think the humidity is the worst. It gets tropical like.
I use larger ice blocks in the chicken water dishes. It melts slowly, and keeps the water cold. I replace numerous times a day, and have many water sources around the yard including a pond.

I've never heard of chickens dying from drinking cold water.

I'm sorry you're dealing with this and for your loss-- it's awful having to worry about the heat and the hens.

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