Anxiety dreams about your chickens?


Jun 24, 2020
Portland, Oregon
I'm assuming I can't be the only one who's had this experience, but I had an anxiety dream last night about my little flock o' four. It involved being at a house that was sort of a combination of where I live now and the place I grew up in. We were hosting a summertime backyard party of some kind and one of our guests without checking with me first brought along her entire flock of chickens which were all Austra Whites and Speckled Sussexes (like ours!) and it was seriously like thirty random chickens that look extremely similar to our birds. And I was very put off and concerned and the friend was being very dismissive about my concerns and thought I was overreacting, and then when they were packing up to leave just gathered up 30 chickens without being too discriminating and left me with the correct number of birds but very recognizably not MY chickens. And I was extremely upset about it and trying to get a hold of this friend and trying to express that no, I really do want my chickens and I get that these chickens are in fact otherwise the same as our birds but it is really really important to me that I get my own chickens back that I have named and bonded with.

What are some of your weird, random anxiety chicken-dreams?
I'm assuming I can't be the only one who's had this experience, but I had an anxiety dream last night about my little flock o' four. It involved being at a house that was sort of a combination of where I live now and the place I grew up in. We were hosting a summertime backyard party of some kind and one of our guests without checking with me first brought along her entire flock of chickens which were all Austra Whites and Speckled Sussexes (like ours!) and it was seriously like thirty random chickens that look extremely similar to our birds. And I was very put off and concerned and the friend was being very dismissive about my concerns and thought I was overreacting, and then when they were packing up to leave just gathered up 30 chickens without being too discriminating and left me with the correct number of birds but very recognizably not MY chickens. And I was extremely upset about it and trying to get a hold of this friend and trying to express that no, I really do want my chickens and I get that these chickens are in fact otherwise the same as our birds but it is really really important to me that I get my own chickens back that I have named and bonded with.

What are some of your weird, random anxiety chicken-dreams?
Such a crazy dream!! I’ve had a couple where I go to let them out and all that’s left is feathers in the coop, not a chicken in sight. It’s sad!!! I get so upset and when I wake up have to go out and count to make sure it was just a dream and not a premonition lol
I'm assuming I can't be the only one who's had this experience, but I had an anxiety dream last night about my little flock o' four. It involved being at a house that was sort of a combination of where I live now and the place I grew up in. We were hosting a summertime backyard party of some kind and one of our guests without checking with me first brought along her entire flock of chickens which were all Austra Whites and Speckled Sussexes (like ours!) and it was seriously like thirty random chickens that look extremely similar to our birds. And I was very put off and concerned and the friend was being very dismissive about my concerns and thought I was overreacting, and then when they were packing up to leave just gathered up 30 chickens without being too discriminating and left me with the correct number of birds but very recognizably not MY chickens. And I was extremely upset about it and trying to get a hold of this friend and trying to express that no, I really do want my chickens and I get that these chickens are in fact otherwise the same as our birds but it is really really important to me that I get my own chickens back that I have named and bonded with.

What are some of your weird, random anxiety chicken-dreams?
Last night I had a dream that my little Wyandotte (who caused BYC controversy on her actual gender) crowed. I believed it until I was fully awake, which was An hour after I got out of bed and had done chicken chores 😂
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Not at all weird. I had a Polish Crested who was pecked the death by a much larger rooster while she was being baby-sat with a friend who also keeps chickens (*I don't blame her at all; she loved those birds and would never have wanted it to happen. It was just a freak accident.) I also had left my chicken shed "unlocked" one night; not really unlocked but I just didn't completely lock the mechanism, there still was no way a raccoon or a chicken could've opened it though.

Well, that night, I had a terrible dream that I woke up and all my chickens were outside and in my front lawn. As I was surveying everything to figure out exactly what happened, I saw what I thought was my little exchequer male, dead on the ground. But as I got closer, I realized it was actually the legs and feet of my dead Polish Crested.

I woke up from that dream terrified and very upset. The death of Maja (my PC) was very fresh still. And the thought of losing my beautiful babies to something so stupid as my own carelessness was haunting my subconscious.

I think it's just our brain's way of telling us "you think about chickens too much" 😆 Especially if chickens have replaced dreams about your own children!
It's funny that this thread has been revived because I had another anxiety chicken dream a couple nights ago! This one involved my one little pullet who (in nondreamland, actual real life) has been my most accident prone with a number of issues that have come up in her short life so far, and who hasn't started laying yet at ~29 weeks probably related to her earlier troubles... Well, the dream I had was her immediately becoming eggbound. It was distressing.

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