Any advice for a biting duck?

My new-ish duck (it's been a few weeks), has a problem biting my face. I raised my first duck from a tiny little thing, and now she absolutely LOVES to hug and cuddle. I try to do the same with him, but, even as I'm typing this, he bites my eyes. I'm currently laying in the position I'm in, in the picture where I'm hugging my first duck, leaving him to his preening, and he just walks over and bites my eye. Idk if he's scared, or if he's just a butt. Any advice on how to get him to stop? I do have piercings in, but even when I have them out, he still bites my eye lids and lips. Any bruising on my eyes is from him.
My ducks can be won over with a foot massage 😉

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