Any artists out there?

Kinda surprised there's no Thea with Rober, Estefanie, and Alan Pan there. And Also no Xyla Foxlin or Simone Giertz. That's a hell of a maker lineup though fo sho.
Yup! I was talking to my buddy (who I'm going with and who works at a rocket company) wondering which people were either not invited vs. invited and couldn't / didn't want to go.
It isn't perfect. I think for what I plan to do though, it'll absolutely work.

Airbrushed and acrylic marker.

Stencil pulled.
Newest attack! Character from @/aarmisael : D
View attachment 3564779
That is amazing. The color scheme is great! Your drawing style is so detailed… does it take a long time?
Out of all the artists here I think your style is closest to mine. You do digital and I do traditional. But we both have very realistic styles and do draw humans. (I know other people on this thead have realistic styles but I haven’t seen them do too many humans.)
Unless somebody does, post a pic and call me out.
My digital style is nothing like yours, though.
I don’t have a digital style, it’s different every time.
Whether animating or doing one picture.
Oh that's gorgeous ~
Thank you!
That is amazing. The color scheme is great! Your drawing style is so detailed… does it take a long time?
Out of all the artists here I think your style is closest to mine. You do digital and I do traditional. But we both have very realistic styles and do draw humans. (I know other people on this thead have realistic styles but I haven’t seen them do too many humans.)
Unless somebody does, post a pic and call me out.
My digital style is nothing like yours, though.
I don’t have a digital style, it’s different every time.
Whether animating or doing one picture.
Ahhh thank you! Honestly, it depends on the piece. This one was rushed so I got it done in a little under 5 hours, but on average it takes me 8-15 hours. That said, I have a WIP that I’m currently 35 hours in. 😅

That’s how I feel about traditional! I haven’t drawn a person on paper in years, but I feel like I would lose a large chunk of my style. I envy those who can do both, lol.

How long does it normally take you?
Thank you!

Ahhh thank you! Honestly, it depends on the piece. This one was rushed so I got it done in a little under 5 hours, but on average it takes me 8-15 hours. That said, I have a WIP that I’m currently 35 hours in. 😅

That’s how I feel about traditional! I haven’t drawn a person on paper in years, but I feel like I would lose a large chunk of my style. I envy those who can do both, lol.

How long does it normally take you?
The last time I did a single picture of digital it was in October.
I’m not sure how long it takes me to finish a drawing. For a detailed pencil sketch with shading multiple subjects and everything maybe 3 hours. And I thought that was long. I often split the time between different days, though.
If I draw a single subject in watercolor it can take me as short as an hour and a half.
But if I do many subjects it can take me countless hours and many days. I don’t know how long it takes me, honestly.
My link :) (nothing NSFW on this account but be warned if you go to my FA account linked on there. I don't have a ton but it's there >.>;; )
Followed. I think I’ll draw Grul :)

I’m BACK. I’ve drawn a ton, but I think I’ll just be posting mostly Art fight attacks. My username is Icewalke245.



My first attacks of the year.







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