Any artists out there?

Just sent this out to a client in MA. yeah, messy work table. Creativity isn't neat at Chaoticly Creative Studios, what can I say :)

In between chores this morning, I was diverted into creating a watercolor sketch of the bird species that is most often seen at the winter bird feeder here. This Blue Jay is life size and the irregular light patches appear on the photo as I took the pic outdoors in dappled light. Great to take out some time for an art distraction.

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In between chores this morning, I was diverted into creating a watercolor sketch of the bird species that is most often seen at the winter bird feeder here. This Blue Jay is life size and the irregular light patches appear on the photo as I took the pic outdoors in dappled light. Great to take out some time for an art distraction.

View attachment 2517184
Wow, I didn’t even see that! Interesting lighting. I love the “watery” look.

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