Any artists out there?

Some watercolors I made
If any of yall would be interested in drawing prizes for my dog contest starting soon please pm me :D
It would basically be a picture of the winners dog
If any of yall would be interested in drawing prizes for my dog contest starting soon please pm me :D
It would basically be a picture of the winners dog
i could am definitely interested but i dont think i'd be that great. Id need to practice a bit. I've never done a dog but i've done a fox so its possible
(dont know how to PM. Never tryed 😬 )
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i could am definitely interested but i dont think i'd be that great. Id need to practice a bit
(dont know how to PM. Never tryed 😬 )
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Screenshot 2023-02-26 at 17-29-06 Any artists out there.png

3. Then just type in the username(s) of whoever you want to start a PM with, type up your message, and click "Start conversation," and your PM should send to that person:
I'm not sure if you're using mobile or if you're on a monitor, but to start a conversation on a monitor:
1. Go up to the banner at the top of the page, where there's the site logo, forums, and your profile, and click on the envelop icon between your alerts and profile:
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2.At the bottom of the little drop-down menu, it will say, "Start new conversation:"
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3. Then just type in the username(s) of whoever you want to start a PM with, type up your message, and click "Start conversation," and your PM should send to that person:
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Thank you
i could am definitely interested but i dont think i'd be that great. Id need to practice a bit. I've never done a dog but i've done a fox so its possible
(dont know how to PM. Never tryed 😬 )
You'll have plenty of time to practice cause I'm not starting the contest for a few days and then it's probably gonna go on for at least a month!
Fight! (also, ewww David does not look good with long hair.) also this picture looks almost like it’s on a stage because the eye level seems to be their waist height and also they are facing conveniently toward us. The second part makes sense since I used a stock photo. But the first… I think I just drew their legs too long and their heads too small. But it works, kinda.
Speaking of stock photos, I couldn’t find a single reference of people actually breaking up fights like this where they just drag their friends away. Nope. It’s this

Or this

I’m learning to draw faces and emotions better. I’ve recently discovered what I look like in profile by using two mirrors. It was a shocker. I actually didn’t know what I looked like.
Anyway, I figured out how to photograph myself in profile so I never have to look up expressions again. So I can make the expression I want and then just use my face as reference. Though if I’m not careful I could get same-face syndrome with them all having my face, anyway, tangent over
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“They wore solid black armor that seemed to kill any light that hit it.”
just imagine it’s black
Anyway that has been my favorite scene so far because of character interaction.
“I knew that they had to have vehicular charging stations leading away from the town that would be easier to rob. It would be a long walk, but it's not like we had a tight schedule to fill. I explained the plan to my comrades, they all seemed to agree, except Ryan.
‘How many people are you going to punch along the way for being rude?’ he asked.
‘That man was a butthole, he deserved it,’ I told him.
‘I don’t care if he deserved it or not, you almost got us all killed because you couldn’t stand a nagging farmer,’ he replied.
‘They were going to try to kill us sooner or later, I at most just sped up the inevitable,’ I said.
‘You need to stop treating this like a holoflick, we are at serious risk of dying every time someone makes a dumb decision,’ he said.
‘Oh, I’m sorry I don’t lick the boots of whatever psycho we find ourselves under. I have learned that nothing good comes from that!’ I told him.
‘Are you going to hit me with some sort of sob story? Were you bullied by some kid after work? Did your mother not hug you enough? Did some dictator steal your friend?’ he mocked.
I kicked Ryan in the gut. He yelped, but didn’t fall over. He was taller and stronger than I was. I had picked the wrong person to fight. I felt sharp pain on my ear as he struck me. Linda tried pulling him back and Charlie did the same to me. Neither one really had the strength to actually prevent us from fighting, but it made us realize that we were not doing anything productive. It was suggested that we both take a walk to cool off.” Regrets of a Spaceman (I know it’s not published, but I’m still going to cite my source)

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