Any Bee Keepers out there?

Guess I'm not getting bees this year. When we emailed the local bee keeper club, they said it was too late to get bees this year.
But I did find a class not too far from here that is 5 lessons and provides you with your own bee hive + bees. I think I'm probably going to go that route.
Well, our bees seem to be adjusting well. We have top feeders and they are eating and coming into the hive with pollen so guess they are calling it home.

We noticed some BIG red ants over the weekend so sprinkled a good dose of cinnamon all around the hives. We will watch carefully to make sure no more ants.

We are getting MORE rain tomorrow - this is suppose to be Sunny California but you can't tell that by this spring. We have also had some bad winds but hopefully these bees are used to Northern California weather since they came from hives about 30 miles south of us.

heritagebirds and noahgeese Did you bees come in and how are they doing?

Bees are here and doing well. The Queen was out before a week and they've been busy building comb. noahsgeese said his are coming soon. I would like to set up a top bar, too. I have a Langstroth.
I'm so glad to find this thread! We are VERY new to beekeeping....we've been at it for a whole 5 days now! I anticipate this will be a great resource for advice and cheer leading!

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