Any chance my "teenage hen" would crow???!!!

All chickens (boys or girls) will get a nub above the rear claw/toe. On pullets, it doesn't grow. On cockerels it will begin to bulge out around the time they hit sexual maturity (about 16-20 weeks depending on the breed). This is when they are considered to have "gone stag". I've looked at your photos, and I am fairly certain your first baby pictured is a roo. I have a Buff Orp pullet about the same age and she has no wattles, and no redness in her comb. In the past photo with all three, I can tell you with some certainty the the chick in the far back is a pullet (hen), the chick in the middle is a roo, and the chick in the front is hard to say. There is SOME redness, and SOME wattles present, but not nearly as much as the other. I would give that one another week or so and watch for any changes. But, on the good side, you have at least ONE girl!
Truly, thank you! Since the pics were taken Monday the "front" chick has had more growth in the comb, but no redness. We'll see what tomorrow brings though. The roo has started to guard the other two - something new today. When we go to pet or touch the hens he charges us and pecks at us, tries to physically block us from holding them. Up until today he was a sweet guy and even around lunchtime my son was holding him. I'll keep posting back, and I do appreciate your input!
Sorry, I just finally got back to this post. You definitely have a roo and what looks like 2 pullets. The rooster is testing you - he is likely coming into maturity and trying to figure out where he fits in. Even tho you aren't keeping him, I would continue to hold him to better his temperment for his new home.

Thanks Jody, we're trying. I'm actually quite fond of the "roo roo roooooo's" which are no longer morning only - we just crack up laughing every time we hear it! My son seems to have the best luck holding him now, and then we stroke him and give him treats, we just need to separate him really to play w/ the ladies as it really upsets him. He'll be going back to the family we got him from on July 4th (they are out of town until then) so we are just going to try and enjoy all his roo-ness until then and say a fond goodbye.

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