Any clue what this is?

One of the 2 died last night/this morning. It seemed fine before i went to bed So far only the 1 other chick is showing signs of anything. Thanks for all the help!
Found the 2nd one dead this morning Does it only spread from mosquito to chicken or can it also spread chicken to chicken? So far they were the only 2 with any signs of anything. How do I prevent any more cases? It's a rainy summer time in Sw Louisiana, thr mosquitos can carry you away! Are there any safe mosquito repellents to use? vaccinations? I don't want to lose any more of my lil chicks.
Pox doesn't generally kill, I wonder if you have something else going on as well. Birds with the pox will generally act fine, they just look crusty. If your birds are acting sick and dying than something else is going on in my opinion.
Pox doesn't generally kill, I wonder if you have something else going on as well. Birds with the pox will generally act fine, they just look crusty. If your birds are acting sick and dying than something else is going on in my opinion.
All the other chicks seem fine. Those were the only two with the crusty growths on their beaks/face. The night before they died they both seemed fine. Heck if I know what's going on!
Did you check inside their mouths for lesions. Wet pox can kill I believe, but you would see lesions in the mouth and probably respiratory problems or other symptoms of illness, rather than sudden death.
A necropsy is the only way to know for sure.

I wonder if something like Vick's vapour rub or Vet RX on their combs and wattles would deter mosquitos without causing the birds any problems, but I would be inclined to agree with oldhenlikesdogs that most likely something else is going on, maybe in conjunction with fowl pox. Since you have mosquitos, fowl pox is probably always going to be an issue in your flock.

I have not dealt with fowl pox myself, so I am not certain about transmission, but I imagine mosquitos will transfer it from one chicken to another rather than direct transmission between chickens themselves.
ugh maybe so 2 more have died, with no signs or symptoms of anything at all. I spend a lot of time outside and have yet to notice any picking with the younger chicks at all.

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