Any experience treating sour crop with Oregano?


Nov 25, 2020
I've seen lots of accounts of oregano having incredible antibacterial, antifungal, and generally anti microbial properties. So much so, that it's even used to keep commercial chickens healthy! I make oregano-cinnamon tea for my chooks every so often.

The antifungal properties are really what caught my attention. One of my chickens recently got sour crop (Don't worry, she's doing much better now!) and I was wondering if anyone here has ever had any experience treating sour crop with oregano because of its antifungal properties.
Lots of things have antibacterial/antifungal properties. Coconut oil, Manuka honey, cloves, thyme, as well as oregano. However, they don't have enough to treat a case of sour crop. You certainly may use them as a deterrent.

You need a serious antifungal such as miconazole and nystatin.
Nevermind. I see you were just feeding scratch back in December. Have you started feeding your birds a pellet or crumbled feed yet?
Yep! We ended up getting some not even a week after that post. They now have a layer feed, and they occasionally get fruits + vegetable table scraps, and eggs on occasion.

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