Any Extra Size 10 Bands?


Langshan Lover
11 Years
Jan 4, 2009
Claremore, OK
If anyone has any extra size 10- 2014 bands I would gladly buy 4-8 off of you. I would like to try banding the last few hatches that should happen in the coming months but completely understand if not. I intend on purchasing the 2015 bands but can't seem to locate them? should have them the national west has club bands but may be sold out for the year order for next year
Thank you loftkeeper but I certainly won't need the large amount of bands from the npa website. Was hoping someone had extras. If nothing else, I will just use zip ties for 2014 and then start banding in 2015.
i had not read the min. at npa site wow might try them any way 14 wont be good soon need to move them out lol foys pigeon supplies sales them or go to the west site there may be a breeder that as some left over
I had not order bands last few years so went to the npa website it says 50 is min for internet order e mailed lennie have not heard back this just does not sound right

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