Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)


11 Years
Apr 19, 2008
Eaton County, MI
I've got a Little Giant and a bunch of eggs I purchased last week, plus one or two from the coop today. The 'bator is plugged in and stabilizing, going to add eggs in the morning.

Saw the other threads like this and thought it might be fun to share the nail-biting and excessive worry with another newbie!

i am not a newbee but if you need any advice on the lg's just pm me, for i have 10 bators in all 7 of them are lg's. and will be setting 100 eggs in morning. so good luck william
Thanks for any & all support. I was just reading (in shock) about refrigerated eggs being hatched out, and since I was really hoping my Polish hen would lay something today and she hasn't, I went ahead and got a couple of her eggs out of the fridge along with one more EE egg.

They're resting with the shipped eggs at a "cool" basement room temp. while the LG gets stable. Hubby is picking up a thermometer-hydrometer thingie on the way home. Not quite sure how to adjust humidity in the LG though, it's either got water in it or it doesn't, right?
Mine is an LG and I will let you know Sun or Mon how it did. This is my first time now running. I started 2 duck, 2 goose and 2 turkey in it this afternoon. Yours will hatch before these. Lots of luck and Welcome!
is yours a still air or forced air? do you have a turner? if you have a forced air just fill the slot in middle, not ones on sides. i run my humidty at 30 to 40% for days 1-18, then i bring it up to 45 to 55% for the hatch. and if you have a turner just leave the egg out of the hole under the vent hole in the back so you can add water without opening the bator,( i use a straw and a turkey stringe to add water though the vent hole) william
It is a still air, no turner. Cheap. Planning to turn 2x a day, every 12 hours, until day 18. Great idea about using the vent hole to add water, will do.

My biggest question at the moment is whether or not to put the eggs in or on something, or right on the wire. I don't want them to get jiggled accidentally.
I put my eggs in my still air LG yesterday at 5p.m. My eggs are due April the 20th. This is my 2nd try at the still air LG, Good luck to everyone!

I have figured out a few tips using the LG, Always make sure you calabrate your humidity on your hydrometer and its best to place eggs in the middle of the bator then rather on the edges or sides.
you could put them in cardboard cartons with the top cut off and a hole cut out in each egg slot and just tilt the carton to 30 deg. and if you could get a pc fan you could make it a forced air bator.

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