Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)

Second egg to pip:


Last night


This morning


After work today!!

This is a bantam egg, from one of three frizzles or a non-frizzled cochin hen and not sure which of the roos is the pop.

Why are there no more pips? Waaaaahh ... do you get such good pics? I have an LG and I tried taking pics through the little windows on top. I couldn't get a decent pic. I tried without flash, with flash, without flash & with flashlight. Nothing worked at all!
I'm putting the lens right on the window and using the macro setting for close-up pics. Auto-focus is a little off, but the lighting isn't good enough to get anything better than that.

I don't think that you opening the incubator killed them. The first hatch that I did none of them hatched. I opened up one of the eggs and also fully developed. This was only my second hatch and I too have an LG bator. I am very far from an expert but from what I learned during this hatch, I opened up the bator a few times, I had to, and I had several to hatch. I also believe you have to help some of them. I also think it was a humidity issue. I had to help a couple of mine out. Some of my chicks membranes were so dry there is no way they would have made it out on their own. I added three wet sponges, a cup of water and some damp paper towels and finally the humidity went up to 76%. After I did this I had babies popping out left and right. It is amazing how much humidity plays a roll in hatching these eggs. Even after opening the bator up it did not go down on me. I just had to open it for a second or two at a time. Don't beat yourself up over it. I think it is just nature running its course. I wish you better luck next time.
Thanks for sharing that info, nstamper... My first batch of eggs is in the bator (I'm only on day 8), but it's good to learn exactly how important humidity is. I will definitely keep this in mind 10 days from now.
Here are pics of my babies that have came out so far. These hatched last night. I have no idea as to what any of them are. I know one is some kind of naked neck. LOL!




Thanks nstamper! Your babies are gorgeous! Especially the little white one! The color is beautiful!

I will be trying to hatch again once my baby is born. Hes due any day now, in fact my dr wants to induce me because he is so big. After I get things settled with him at home, I will definately be trying this again. Only this time, I want to get some 'mutt' eggs first and try it before I go and spend alot of money like I did this past time. Once I feel comfortable and get a decent hatch then I will get my silkie babies that I've always wanted!

I'm sooo jealous of all your cutie pies!
Oh help, I want to snuggle the babies, they are so pathetic running around peeping at all the unpipped eggs.

Remind me why I have to sit on my hands!!?

Two babies out (pipped last night) and no rocking, peeping or pipping from the remaining 13 eggs.


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