Any Home Bakers Here?

I don’t have fancy baskets or a bench knife but I’ve got Tupperware bowls and Grandma’s old cleaver!
This one! You can substitute rye for the spelt or use white flour instead to make it white flour and rye
So just put in 57g of rye? OK.
50g of starter doesn't seem like much.
And YAY! Another bread I don't have to store in the refrigerator over night. No room in there.
The sourdough bread turned out very well today! I used the ingredients from an online site but changed the method to make it easier.

I also used my Oregon sourdough starter so for those using different starters and not using a proofer, the times may be different.

Out of the oven:

View attachment 2121051

After first slice

View attachment 2121052

Champlain Sourdough Bread


304g water
389g Bread flour (I used AP flour)
38g Whole spelt flour
19g Whole Rye Flour
50g Fed Starter at 100% hydration(fed half and half water and flour)
10g salt

Premix all ingredients at 9pm the night before baking bread. Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Replenish the starter and leave out over night.
The next morning make the first fold at 7am (or when you get up)

look up the folding technique on you tube.

Let rest an hour and then fold again. Let raise half an hour and then shape into a ball using flour to keep the dough from sticking. Put the ball into a basket or a floured tea towel lined medium bowl with the seam side up. Let raise 1 to two hours until risen—should see a bubble or two on the outside of the dough.

Preheat Dutch oven with lid in 450-degree oven.

Cut a rectangle of parchment paper. When dough is risen, pour out onto the parchment paper. Make slashes. Take Dutch Oven out and carefully put the dough into the pan. Cover with lid and put back into the oven. Bake for 20 minutes.

Remove Dutch oven and move bread to a cool cookie sheet. Put back into the oven to let the outside crisp up—5 to 10 minutes
OOOPS!! Major omission in the recipe here. The starter should be added in the MORNING not along with all the other ingredients. Guess we'll see how it works out, maybe I should add more starter before all the folding steps.
Trevor Wilson's instructions

Turns out he lives ~11 miles from me as the crow flies, an extra ~20 for those who can not walk on water.
I used the pans shown to bake them in.
Oh, oh, I can use my metal handled soup pot instead of a dutch oven??? Whoopie!!!
I might still buy a cast iron dutch oven at some point.

Today's baking:
The Champlain Sourdough
Another loaf of KA Basic sourdough
Hamburger buns
Strawberry pancakes (those this doesn't really count as baking)

I might be over extending my baking self!

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