Any Home Bakers Here?

The loaves are out of the oven!

Baked in the loaf pan:

6_23_2021 Sourdough loaf.jpg

Baked in the bread dome:

6_23_2021 Sourdoug from dome.jpg
Ron, They both are FANTASTIC.....if one is for me? I prefer the LONG Loaf...easier for me to slice. Aria
I do think that the long loaf is very Good! I have two slices with lunch today.

It will make good garlic toast too.
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Is that a frog or toad? What the heck was it doing in my front yard at 9:30 PM?

I washed my hands afterwards, just so you know.
Toad, Jared. Note dry, bumpy skin. Frogs are wet and slippery. And you don't get warts from either one, but washing is good. As for what he was doing? Bug control, of course! And possibly cruisin' for a date. 😉
I was gone most of the day. Wish I'd been home and made grownies. The house is chilly, about 66 when I got back. Oven at 350 for 35 minutes would have helped.

Tomorrow I'll make wifey bread in the machine. Wifey bread is the stuff I (wifey) make for DH. The stuff I make for me is GF, which DH said stood for "girl friend." No dear, gluten free... yes I know you're kidding... :rolleyes:

You'd think the way we have our own codes about stuff like bread that maybe we'd been married for 32 years, or something. :)

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