Any Home Bakers Here?

Oh my gosh! Where did you get the gingerbread house mold?
I bought a vintage one in great shape from Etsy….but they do still make them.

I had researched making your own patterns and roll and cutting the pieces, but it is so easy just to press the dough in the form and bake. The hardest part is getting it out of the oven without burning yourself..
Friday DH brought home the cutest candy bar sled someone in his office made and gave to everyone. They used 2 candy canes and then 3 different sizes of candy bars, finished it up with a bit of ribbon and a tiny bow. I think the gal that made them used little dabs of hot glue to secure the canes to the bottom of the Kit Kat to hold them up. It's so clever I hate to take it apart for us to eat (but we will, lol). Thought you all might enjoy seeing it:

thank you for the recipe i knocked these up this evening

Oh my gosh! Where did you get the gingerbread house mold?

I bought a vintage one in great shape from Etsy….but they do still make them.

I had researched making your own patterns and roll and cutting the pieces, but it is so easy just to press the dough in the form and bake. The hardest part is getting it out of the oven without burning yourself..

I was cruising around Amazon this morning and came across gingerbread house cookie cutters. They sell various sizes, the little mini houses would be fun, you could make an entire little ginger town from them.


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