Any Home Bakers Here?

I’ve been having issues with the electric company cutting down trees, and knocking out partial power. After yet another brown out, I completely lost power in most of the house. The electrician came out, dealt with the electric company (they denied it was them), and the power was eventually restored. No more brown outs. Unfortunately, the damage was done. The rhubarb (no strawberries!) I had in the freezer was defrosted, and mushy. I lost a lot of food, even eggs, when the temperature was over 90* for several days. The happy part? :lol: I got to play baseball with the rotten (very stinky) eggs!
I keep meaning to make some bread. You guys have finally managed to get me to play with the starter, and I’ll be making bread in the morning. Knowing how I am before coffee, I wonder what I’ll forget? The flour? The water? :caf Ohhhhh! The sourdough and yeast both!
sometimes I forget the salt!
I’ve been having issues with the electric company cutting down trees, and knocking out partial power. After yet another brown out, I completely lost power in most of the house. The electrician came out, dealt with the electric company (they denied it was them), and the power was eventually restored. No more brown outs. Unfortunately, the damage was done. The rhubarb (no strawberries!) I had in the freezer was defrosted, and mushy. I lost a lot of food, even eggs, when the temperature was over 90* for several days. The happy part? :lol: I got to play baseball with the rotten (very stinky) eggs!
What a nightmare. Can you put in a claim for the damaged food? You can here if it's longer than 24 hours
I made a mistake

I wanted too bake a splelt wholemeal and plain flour bread but I added at least a 100g of rye in by mistake. All of the mix i mentioned turned out delicious.


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