Any Home Bakers Here?

Since it is close to Halloween, I figured I’d tell a spooky but very funny story. This story is actually true, and not a joke.

When I lived in North Idaho, I had a very good friend. Unfortunately, he passed away from cancer.

A few weeks after the funeral, me and my brother were in our house. All the sudden, the phone rang. The answering machine said the name of the deceased was calling.

Me and my brother stared at each other for a few seconds. We didn’t dare pick it up. We knew he was dead, and we didn’t know what was going on. Then, I finally broke the silence with a comedic phrase.

“A phone call, from beyond the grave!”

It was a pretty interesting experience. A little scary in the moment, but now I look back and laugh.
And done! Not even close to good iceing work but I think the girls will like it.




I feel like you're right @Sequel .

The physician usually has to say it is medically necessary to have the insurance pay for it.
My insurances covered the costs of the operation including the hip replacement, whew 😅 I was also prescribed help items like crutches, something to put on socks ( bit of plastic with 2 attached bands, 40€ 😮) and kind of long reaching tongs to help me pick up stuff, my insurance didn’t cover that, but I’m not complaining, since I got the big bills covered 😁
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