Any Home Bakers Here?

Lol I avoid it at 2 anymore, the freaks really come out after bar rush is over ha-ha

But, I like to call them "soft pants".. ROFL they're NOT sweats!

Ok ok, they're pjs ha-ha... Flip flops are a must, even my mom gives me a hard time showing up to work cows with flip flops on

Hey, at least I leave my housecoat in the car lol

Don't you worry about a cow stepping on your foot when you wear flip flops? One time (and only once) I wore sandals around brother's horse planted his big old hoof right on top of my foot and took all the skin off my foot. Never wore anything but boots around the horses again!
Don't you worry about a cow stepping on your foot when you wear flip flops? One time (and only once) I wore sandals around brother's horse planted his big old hoof right on top of my foot and took all the skin off my foot. Never wore anything but boots around the horses again!
Lmao yeah true On both. My dad made it that way lol my brothers tried it and he told them they could either pull their pants up and use their belt correctly or he would pull them down lol i remember he was working (construction) with two young guys alittle older then me and i went with him one day lol one of them made that mistake around my dad and didnt think he would follow through on his threat lol he learned a lession quickly lol.
Lol ok does it bother yall when you see some one with their pants saging. Thats is a giant pet peve of mine i cant stand some guy walking around with his pant hanging off..

Buttcrack! Hey at least my soft pants cover my hind quarters AND my underwear lol... My 22 to stepson used to do that until his little sister pulled his pants down in front of everyone at the fair... Lol "use a belt, boy, they make em for a reason" ;)


Make sure you wear socks with those flip flops :)

Lol I can't STAND seeing socks with flip flops ROFL; how can they DO that, its SO uncomfortable!

Lol I'll just go get the strappy sandals so I can be hip with my socks without them being jammed between my toes lol... That's probably a CO thing, how most if us do wear flip flops in winter; we didn't ever say we were bright, just tough lol ;)
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Lol my two year old decided she wants to make gingerbread man and a chocolate cake, if i make both i wont be able to control how much i eat lol she doesnt like cake very much she takes a bite and is done lol she like ginger cookies she never had ginger bread man cookies through lol this could get interesting. Oh and i thinking of making some white bread just need a recipe that works with what i have. I dont have bread flour i just have all purpuse flour any ideals?
Oh and i dont have a bread machine or mixer so it has to be done the old fashion way. I going to try and get both for christmas along with a few other things need for the kitchen but i might have to wait for a few things for my birthday lol.
Omg, I sure missed a lively conversation
! Haha! You guys made my morning! The people of Walmart, flip flops with socks (
) and saggy pants.... All on a baking thread, for some reason not what I was expecting
. I laughed so hard! Thanks!

I was up until 11:00 making the rest of the ritz cracker cookies. I figured it out and I made about 400, give or take. I think a little over! Yikes!

@NorthFLChick I have made those gingerbread cookies twice and love them! I agree, it's good to roll them a bit thinner and yes, large saucepan!

Where I live, the county had kept Walmart out until recently. People wouldn't allow them in. The target we have here is the smallest one they ever built, or at least use to be the smallest. A few years ago, Walmart, very quietly got a spot in the mall from one of the bigger stores that had gone out of business. It was a huge deal up here, but it had already gone through by the time anyone found out (we have target, Kmart, and McDonald's... Not sure the fuss about Walmart). There is one Walmart in all of humboldt county, I'm pretty sure. In back of the mall, right behind the Walmart is an area referred to as "devils playground", the newspaper, police, everyone calls it that. It's where a lot of homeless people live, lots of drugs and violence, there are police there all the time (I am not saying homeless people are bad, things happen, but this particular area is not a safe place). I have been to the Walmart twice, both because the friend I was with wanted to go. Just walking from the parking lot is scary! The people in the store, I'm sure they could end up on the people of Walmart. I stay away, would much rather go to target. The homeless and drug problem here has gone unchecked too long and now it's out of control and a big problem. People are more desperate and a lot more theft and violence and Walmart is the prime location for easy car brake ins. There's my little rant! Haha
Wow yeah we have a walmart we avoid, there was a police man shot driving near there he was shot 27 times and no one stoppes to help him. Makes me so mad that area is so scary, we went in that area once for churches chicken and the drive thru got robbed at gun point while we were inside so yeah i am not ever going to that area again. Its sad that people are like that. They then complain about the crime but dont do anything to change it.

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