Any Home Bakers Here?

I just got back from the grocery store and guess what they had on sale? BEETS!

Tomorrow night it's baked beets and something.
We have been very lucky this year-- a couple of stores have had fresh beets since early summer. We have been having them with dinner weekly!

Lucky you! Lol I have some still in the garden, buried under 3' of snow :p otherwise, I have to go 100 miles to go to a bigger grocer that has beets; living in the boonies is a drag sometimes :(

But I did go find a couple jars that I canned this summer... And so e pickles, and peaches, and chili for lunch... I'm going to get so fat ha-ha ;)

I can just imagine!  I made the lemon bars last night too, but zested a fresh lemon on top to make it a bit more lemony!

You're killing me lol, I'm out if lemon juice :(

I need to go grocery shopping stat.

Well I decided to bite the bullet and make a double batch of those cinnamon rolls pancakes for dinner tonight. They were delicious and the whole family loved them! Even my dad who usually complains when we have pancakes said, "These are really good!".


While cooking.


The finished product.

What are THOSE?!?!!!

UGH, yep. FAT ha-ha :D

It's OK, I keep telling myself baby needs it, I try to keep it to the essentials, so, cinnamon is good for me, lemon is good for me,... Anybody have something cake like that would have a pistachio-ish taste to it? Lol :p
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@shortgrass congratulations on the upcoming arrival!

You can count on us to keep your appetite at a "healthy" level, lol.
Lucky you! Lol I have some still in the garden, buried under 3' of snow
otherwise, I have to go 100 miles to go to a bigger grocer that has beets; living in the boonies is a drag sometimes
My Youngest Daughter loves fresh beets too. That is a win because she is not a big veggie eater.
Ha ha At least my beets or Beetroot as we actually call them are a bit easier to get to than yours :). My biggest problem is I don't have enough jars and keep forgetting to grab some from mums. Been wanting to pick these for a couple weeks now!

I've tried them baked but they didn't do that much for me. Have to admit I like them more with the pickled tang cold with salads, or on a hamburger of course ;-)
I have never had beets yall are making them sound good enough i might have to try them. I really cant grow them with the soil we have to much clay no root veggies outside of pots.
I just got back from the grocery store and guess what they had on sale? BEETS!

Tomorrow night it's baked beets and something.

Getting jealous of the beets...we have grown them in the past and when baked they are quite sweet ( that's why most unlabelled sugars are from sugar beets?)

Here's my directions:

Wash beets and trim roots and stems to 1/2 inch.
Place on a baking pan lined with foil.
Drizzle with a couple of TBS of Olive Oil and sprinkle with Salt.
Bake at 375 for 45-60 minutes - but after 30 minutes check them every 15 minutes for doneness. You want them soft like a baked potato.


Prepare as above and wrap in foil and bake at 400 for 60-90 minutes.

Wear gloves or you can just use a knife and fork to remove the skin after they are baked, carefully not touching the red dyes.
I have tried beets before, and I may be preparing them wrong, but they always seem to have a strong dirt flavor
Or maybe it was just the soil I grew them in. all of these ideas are really making me want to try them again though!

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