Any Home Bakers Here?

That bread is gorgeous!!! Do you braid it like you would hair? I got to bake finally I tried the Devils food cake that listed here. It was yummy I over baked it slightly so the top was a little crunchy not soft like I wanted but still yummy. I am going to be baking bread soon I hope. An I keep thinking about monkey bread it sounds sooooooo good.oh and for those who want to know Joshua is doing great as of next month he only have to wear the boots at night and nap time. I am so excited. I finally feel like it's almost over I been very nervous of him having to have a second surgery.

well i tried to braid it like i would if it were hair but i havent braided hair in a long time(probably middle school) so it isnt exactly braided correctly. i dont know what monkey bread is what is that? usually when i make bread i just mix a bunch of stuff together and cross my fingers it comes out good. it seems every time i try to follow a recipe it doesnt come out how it should. it usually needs more flour than required(maybe because of the humidity i dont know). if you make the monkey bread you should show a picture.

that is good new on joshua. seems like he is moving along fast.
I practice on my daughters toy ponies lol she won't let me braid her hair yet. I tend to follow recipes I adjust them and sometimes forget things lol. And I suppose it is I feel like it's been a long time but I know it really hasn't in the scheme of things however it be up to five years before he done.
well i tried to braid it like i would if it were hair but i havent braided hair in a long time(probably middle school) so it isnt exactly braided correctly. i dont know what monkey bread is what is that? usually when i make bread i just mix a bunch of stuff together and cross my fingers it comes out good. it seems every time i try to follow a recipe it doesnt come out how it should. it usually needs more flour than required(maybe because of the humidity i dont know). if you make the monkey bread you should show a picture.

that is good new on joshua. seems like he is moving along fast.
LOL! I can't braid hair or bread, so I think yours looks fantastic! here an example the one I have falls for nuts and homemade bisquit but not much different you can also make it with caramel .
That looks so yummy!

OK, Ya'll I'm sure this is been brought up before, but if you haven't seen it, @Mrs. K posted about freezing eggs for baking and cooking.
Preparing for fall molt when your girls slow down or stop laying. I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but I followed her instructions for baking and it works like a charm. I put my muffin tins in the deep freeze, the eggs were rock hard, I did have to turn the pans slightly to run just a bit of cool water over the bottom, then took a butter knife and they popped out. Work quickly, the eggs start to thaw faster than I thought they would, so have your freezer bags labeled and ready before you start.

I've only put up a dozen for baking will be doing more, the eggs for cooking I definitely will do as well. I thought with all this heat my girls would slow a bit, but so far I'm still averaging about 30+ eggs a week which is more than enough for us.

Here's the link:
LOL!  I can't braid hair or bread, so I think yours looks fantastic!

That looks so yummy!

OK, Ya'll  I'm sure this is been brought up before, but if you haven't seen it, @Mrs. K
posted about freezing eggs for baking and cooking.
Preparing for fall molt when your girls slow down or stop laying.  I'm sure there are other ways to do this, but I followed her instructions for baking and it works like a charm. I put my muffin tins in the deep freeze, the eggs were rock hard, I did have to turn the pans slightly to run just a bit of cool water over the bottom, then took a butter knife and they popped out. Work quickly, the eggs start to thaw faster than I thought they would, so have your freezer bags labeled and ready before you start.

I've only put up a dozen for baking will be doing more, the eggs for cooking I definitely will do as well. I thought with all this heat my girls would slow a bit, but so far I'm still averaging about 30+ eggs a week which is more than enough for us.

Here's the link:
that such a great tip..well either mine are starting their first molt or they gotten great at making their eggs vanish. here an example the one I have falls for nuts and homemade bisquit but not much different you can also make it with caramel .
i'll have too give this a try sounds good! i'm pretty sure i wont mess this one up :)
I practice on my daughters toy ponies lol she won't let me braid her hair yet. I tend to follow recipes I adjust them and sometimes forget things lol. And I suppose it is I feel like it's been a long time but I know it really hasn't in the scheme of things however it be up to five years before he done.
don't worry i bet the time will fly by.
Ok I am going to be making a diabetic cake should be interesting it's between a mocha berries cake or a chocolate almost like cheese cake cake with white chocolate mouse toping

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