Any Home Bakers Here?

Any reason's why your sourdough did not rise?
I have constant troubles with my pumpernickel. I can literally make one HUGE batch, bust it into two loaves and will rise, and the other will be a pumperBRICKle. It's hit or miss, as you said, it happens but it'd be nice to know WHY at least.

There are likely two reasons: cinnamon may have slowed down the yeast and the starter might not have been active enough.

I refreshed the starter and added a tablespoon of vinegar to it.

I will also put the dough into the proofer box at 80 instead of out on the counter. The AC was on last night and it might have been too cold in the room.

Sourdough starter does this sometimes though! Wild yeast is un predictable.
When I make, I will call this 'exotic bread' since it's not just plain ole whitey tightey bread... I always tend to watch for it to rise, Yes I know recipe's say mix, let it stew, beat it down, let it stew again for xx time, but as you said, sometimes the yeast are not quite up to the job, so may let it set an extra half hour or so , so it can puff up some more before cooking it.

also ronott, unless you are keeping your house at 60 degrees, would just a few degrees make THAT big of a difference?

When I make, I will call this 'exotic bread' since it's not just plain ole whitey tightey bread... I always tend to watch for it to rise, Yes I know recipe's say mix, let it stew, beat it down, let it stew again for xx time, but as you said, sometimes the yeast are not quite up to the job, so may let it set an extra half hour or so , so it can puff up some more before cooking it.

also ronott, unless you are keeping your house at 60 degrees, would just a few degrees make THAT big of a difference?

Likely not! I did have it close to the AC though.

Bread made with bakers yeast almost never has a problem. Wild yeast like sourdough does though.
Ive brewed beer before and the yeast can get temperamental at times but the biggest problem there IS the wild yeast getting into it. Most often you'd have to let it ferment longer and hope it don't get bacteria in it, else it's a done deal.

Now im wanting to get the bread machine out and make bread. Yes I cheat, it's just easier, I got too many projects going on as it it w/o adding more stuff to not get done to my list.

Ive brewed beer before and the yeast can get temperamental at times but the biggest problem there IS the wild yeast getting into it. Most often you'd have to let it ferment longer and hope it don't get bacteria in it, else it's a done deal.

Now im wanting to get the bread machine out and make bread. Yes I cheat, it's just easier, I got too many projects going on as it it w/o adding more stuff to not get done to my list.

It is a problem to mix wild yeast with commercial yeast!

Good news is that the starter is very active today! It has risen up a lot in the jar.
Sally is short on eggs and wants to try substitutes.
Clearly she needs hr new chicks to rush to egg laying age!

Have you seen the new message on food labels: Not an everyday food
There are lots of things I don't eat every day :D

I can sort of see it for maybe Alfredo but something like marinara? Weird!

California, where where labels on products say known to the State of Californian as a carcinogen.

Like lawn furniture and balsamic vinegar
How much lawn furniture and balsamic vinegar do you have to eat to get cancer?

Living can cause Cancer.
And ALWAYS leads to death.

There are a lot of members that have been here longer than I have :confused:
Like me :D But you have me WAY beat on posts and likes!!

If people are so mentally challenged that they need to be told that Oreo's, Fat-sickles, BonBons, CreamPuff Piggy Pies etc are NOT supposed to be eaten daily, well... we need to quit interfering and let the good man Darwin do his work! That's public education for you.

Sadly they usually procreate before Darwin gets to them.

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