Any Home Bakers Here?

My mom always had ketchup on her eggs. In fact, she puts ketchup in her Campbells chicken noodle soup.
I did try ketchup on eggs once - just a little bit. It was not too gross, even edible maybe - but not something I would do on purpose all the time, lol.
My cousins mix catsup with their egg yolks. I used to put catsup on diced potatoes fired in eggs but now I use salsa instead.
Re: Gravy
My dad was actually the one who showed my mom! He was shocked that she didn’t know how lol.
My mom thought she had wrecked the gravy because she didn't know to keep cooking and stirring after adding the flour/water. A quick stir... didn't look like gravy, and she threw it out. She told me she probably threw out a few years' worth of potential gravy.
Egg and ketchup?
Dh puts ketchup on scrambled eggs.
I used to put catsup on diced potatoes
Dh puts ketchup on just about any potato except mashed. We were at a restaurant and he ordered the home fries. He was surprised that he had to ask for ketchup; said every waitress in Pittsburgh put ketchup on the table when serving potatoes.

Quick poll: Anyone besides R2elk spell it "catsup"? Is it a regional thing? I almost never see it that way here in Michigan.
ketchup, catsup on eggs. a LOT of people do it. It's ok I guess if you like catsup, but not something I go out of the way to do. I know one guy who put catsup on his steak, we were in a very high end restaurant... I thought the cook was going to come out and machete him! :D

the frozen loaves of bead you get at the store where you rise and bake, now THOSE can make one heckuva pizza bread. Roll em out, put some cheese, tomato sauce, pepperoni and or sausage, you know, pizza stuff!! in them. Seal them up, let them rise a bit and bake them.. YUM !!

Quick poll: Anyone besides R2elk spell it "catsup"? Is it a regional thing? I almost never see it that way here in Michigan.
Since we are bringing up regional.

Soda or Pop ? Say the P word down here and all these rednecks will spit tabaccer on your shoe! :D My aunt used to get mad ITS SODA NOT POP !!!!!

My neice was over once, she had a jack in the box, I was cranking it and kind of dum dumm ing along the tune. At the end I go SODA GOES THE WEASEL !!! It took her a minute to figure out what I done but my aunt smacked the hell out of me for it heh :p

The sourdough cinnamon raisin bread turned out much better today.

I let it raise for 3 hours this time. The recipe says 1 hour lol!
Glad to hear. I don't want your old one to goto waste so feel free to send it to me if you want. can't let a good bread, or even a mediocre home made one goto waste now can we!!


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