Any Home Bakers Here?

Sure! Anything that will add flavor. Just simmering a chicken or turkey carcass for a few hours won't yield as nice a broth as one made by including veggies.
Oh, always include veggies! Carrots, celery, onions or the ends of onions, carrot tops, celery ends, left from cooking other dishes and stored in freezer. If you include the onion skins, you get a rich brown color. Waste nothing!

This was really helpful for me when I was first making broth.

I save the trim ends of onions and garlic and any other veggie scraps I have in a ziploc bag in the freezer.

I got 5 pint-and-a-half jars out of my "scraps." Turkey carcass, veggie scraps: free, as otherwise they'd be tossed into the compost, or given to the chickens. Add in peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, a splash of vinegar, and the electricity to run the Instant Pot. Compare that to store bought prices any day of the week!


Not bad for my first time making no knead bread.

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