Any Home Bakers Here?

Hey came across a great recipe

Spinach and apple salad with a Vinaigrette

5 ounces fresh baby spinach
2 small apples, cored and thinly sliced
1/2 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
1/3 cup dried cranberries
3 ounces crumbled cheese

Apple Cider Vinaigrette Ingredients:

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 teaspoons honey
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 small garlic clove, peeled and minced
Salt and black pepper to taste

Thanks @pennyJo1960
Made cookies give them as gifts no roll sugar cookie in red, butter cookie part done in colors..
Soft molasses iced
Just out of curiosity, what’s on everybody’s menu plan for Christmas Day?

I was unable to get a goose the season. It’s actually not a surprise, not many Canada geese where I now live. Maybe I’ll try raising geese in the future.

No harvest on elk so far, by the way.

Me and my family are still trying to figure out Christmas dinner.

The grocery store had a nice looking ribeye that was a reasonable size (I don’t know why individual steaks all seem to be 12 oz or more, these days). I’ll probably share bites with my critters. But the potato, salad, and beer are all mine.
First off, I am okay. Not hurt, but man, the roads are bad! I was going 20 mph from my elk hunting spot and I spun out. Did a whole 360 and got stuck.

Two hunters came by a minute later and helped me get out.
Glad it was daylight and there were no vehicles close enough to hit you! And good samaritans to pull you out. I've done a couple of 180's. The last was over 20 years ago when I was taking DD1 skiing, she was probably about 5. Slooow down the hill on the curve from the in-laws and all of a sudden I was on the opposite side of the road facing the opposite direction.

Figured that was the end of skiing because DD would be freaked. Nope, "That was FUN can we do it again??"


I think I still have some Yukon Golds in the pantry from Thanksgiving… if they’re still good I may air fry some!
Personally I find Yukons, reds, etc too waxy for fries or mashed. When my farmer friend plants white potatoes (I don't know the variety) I buy 50 pounds. Barring that I use Russets.

Just out of curiosity, what’s on everybody’s menu plan for Christmas Day?
I have NO IDEA! DD1 coming from Canada today. Sister-in-law bringing DD1's BF up from Virginia today. Was supposed to be yesterday for both but we had bad winter weather. I got up at 6:15, cleared enough snow for DD2 to get out at 7 for work and kept at it. Fed the chickens and alpacas, brushed the snow off the solar panels, it was 8:45 when I got in.

DD1 doesn't eat anything with animal body parts. Sister-in-law doesn't eat mammals. DD2 doesn't like birds. It was easier when we went to my in-laws and MIL pulled out shrimp and rolls and such.

I might make some butternut squash and apple soup. Maybe a pumpkin and pasta thing that DD1 calls "Pasta moosh". She has the recipe but plans apparently to be so busy working on her Honors course work that she won't have time to make anything.
And the shrimp and rolls because NO FREAKING WAY is DD2 going to touch either of those vegetarian recipes and I don't know about DD1's BF, he can be picky in other ways.

Yup I think that way works out best for me.
That is the BEST way! Start with the "official" recipe then mess with it if needed until it works for you.
Personally I find Yukons, reds, etc too waxy for fries or mashed. When my farmer friend plants white potatoes (I don't know the variety) I buy 50 pounds. Barring that I use Russets.
Red Pontiacs are not waxy and make absolutely wonderful mashed potatoes and French Fries. Red La Soda are very waxy as are Norland.

Another red skinned potato that is excellent for mashed potatoes and baked potatoes is Rose Gold with its beautiful yellow flesh.
The grocery store had a nice looking ribeye that was a reasonable size (I don’t know why individual steaks all seem to be 12 oz or more, these days). I’ll probably share bites with my critters. But the potato, salad, and beer are all mine.

Although there is a turkey in the freezer, we're going to leave it for sometime in the future. DH has requested steak.
My oldest brother used to grill steaks for the family (in his Jams. Remember those?) for Christmas. Since I’ve been alone for Christmas, I now do steak for myself. Unfortunately (fortunately! :bun :wee ) I was only able to get a 32 oz steak. The beer is all mine too. :thumbsup

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