Any Home Bakers Here?

I've been making a sourdough pancake out of my GF sourdough discard when I don't need any for baking. I add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon sugar and some cinnamon. The sugar "tames" the sour to a nice, unexpected tang, and I love cinnamon. Makes a good breakfast.

Next time I make grownies, I'll add some sourdough discard and see what happens!

Veloute Cardinal.

Yes, that’s soup. It’s an unusual color, but it tastes WONDERFUL. Probably the best dish I ever made.

Recipe is a little complicated. Basically, the recipe said I had to make one recipe from the Escoffier book, then make another different recipe from the same book, then COMBINE the two recipes with additional ingredients.

If I were to post the recipe, I would be posting THREE recipes just for this soup. Fish bouillon, white roux, and Veloute Cardinal.

But, unfortunately, I can’t post the recipe for two reasons. First, it’s complicated, three recipes for one soup. Second, copyright in the book.


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