Any Home Bakers Here?

I’ve got to get my sourdough bread started tonight so I can get it in the oven first thing in the morning, I’ve got two starters going….one is my regular starter (Lazy Joe) that I’ve been using for over a year and the other is an experiment in “no discard” starter. So far I haven’t noticed any real difference in the flavor or crumb in the breads, and the ”no discard” part is nice, but I seem to have grown an emotional attachment to my original starter.

I’ve also got a jar of dehydrated starter made from discard in the pantry, just in case. Glad I had it on hand. I dumped Lazy Joe back in September because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep it going while we lived in the camper….too cold, no running water, and no idea how long it would take for the new house to be finished and us finally getting moved in. So after we got in here, I just rehydrated it and after a few feeds, presto….Lazy Joe was back!
Blooie it’s so good to see you back! And you’re into sourdough too! Yay! I use the Champlain recipe here in the index. Feed the starter around noon, mix up the dough sometime before I go to bed. Let it sit covered overnight on the counter, then in the morning do a few stretch and fold things then shape, let rise or put in fridge till I get time to bake it.
Blooie it’s so good to see you back! And you’re into sourdough too! Yay! I use the Champlain recipe here in the index. Feed the starter around noon, mix up the dough sometime before I go to bed. Let it sit covered overnight on the counter, then in the morning do a few stretch and fold things then shape, let rise or put in fridge till I get time to bake it.
Thanks! Glad to be back!

You know, when I first started thinking about trying sourdough last year, I got so frustrated! I was convinced I must be the stupidest person on the planet - all that gram measuring and temperature fussing!! Initially I thought, “How hard can it be if those old gold miners could keep it alive and working by just dumping stuff in the crock and setting it at the back of a wood stove? Shoot, folks kept the same starter going for over 100 years, just passing it down.“ I fussed more over that jar of starter than I ever did over my first chicks! The fact that it took over 3 weeks to even see any life is how “Lazy Joe” got his name! But I refused to be defeated! Now I don’t even think about it. If it’s hungry, I feed it. If I use it, I replenish it. :lau
Ugh, I can’t wait till I beat these dang Covid aftereffects so I can get back to baking. I think I may have pneumonia, going to the doctor for it tomorrow morning. 😣
Let us know how you come out. The only thing I’m more afraid of than getting Covid are spiders. Covid could kill me easily with my COPD, heart issues, Stage 4 kidney disease, and age. Spiders startle my heart into stopping. In a perfect world spiders would only have 2 legs and people would have 8! Sending prayers!
Throwing balls hurts my shoulder too! Arthritis is likely to blame, not snow and ice though

Making long fermentation bread is magical in what you get!
There is a plastic extension you can use to throw the ball , the expensive version is called „chuck-it“ , but you can get the same way cheaper elsewhere, my dog loves running after the ball, but retrieve it?! Are you out if your mind :rolleyes:

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