Any Home Bakers Here?

Jared, You are so caring. You are always there to help me. Thank you AGAIN.
To all: I do not know what keeps going on....but I get notifications and then
none. WEIRD. I am not aware of what is going on. But when I
get back on...Jared is always there to FIX. SORRY. Aria
Hi Aria,

You get one notification on a thread and do not get another one until you go to that thread.

At the top of the window, there is a link under forums that has a link to watched threads. I use that and not notifications for most threads. Otherwise I get way to many emails.
Hi Aria,

You get one notification on a thread and do not get another one until you go to that thread.

At the top of the window, there is a link under forums that has a link to watched threads. I use that and not notifications for most threads. Otherwise I get way to many emails.
Ron, Thank you for that important information. THAT IS SUPER INFORMATION
FOR ME TO HAVE. You are a GEM. Fond regards, Aria
Anyone use one for Sourdough? I'm so pumped! My daughter got it for me for Yule.

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