Any Home Bakers Here?

I've decided to try baking bread, again. I used to have a bread machine, but it's long gone.

Do any of you have a bread machine recommendation? I have arthritis in my hands and am hoping to avoid a lot of kneading. Thanks.
Using a stand mixer with a dough hook can take care of the kneading for you without needing a bread machine.
Using a stand mixer with a dough hook can take care of the kneading for you without needing a bread machine.
Thanks, but I don't have a stand mixer that can handle a dough hook, it's pretty lightweight, only good for cake and cookie dough.

Do you have a brand you'd recommend? Or warn against?
What's your budget, @fuzzi? There are top end ones that are $300-400, and less expensive ones that are under $100.

Check out yard sales and estate sales. My neighbor finds used bread machines for $10-20.
I'd rather not go above $200 but for a good quality product I might invest more in it. What do you use?

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