Any home remedies to save my chicken.


In the Brooder
Nov 13, 2021
About a week ago I saved a chicken that fell off a production truck. She initially had an missing eye and a major gash in her neck, the neck healed very well and the feathers have started to grow back. However since I have had her she will not eat. I have given her baby food/feed and yogurt/feed, sometimes apple sauce, and she always drinks her water, but lately she has had runny yellow poops, with some green in them and black Rocky stuff. She produced 1 egg the day we found her, then a soft shell egg, then nothing at all. She has become extremely lethargic to the point that her neck hangs and she falls over, I assumed she was dying last night, so held her in my arms for comfort and placed her in a warm box, she is still alive and now drinking water again, but no eating still. Is she egg bound? Or parasites? Or maybe salmonella. I have given her water with Gatorade, honey, sugar in the water, and vinegar, everything that was suggested in the last post about her. How can I try to keep this sweet girl alive? She really has a will to live.
Thank You and happy holidays to all.
About a week ago I saved a chicken that fell off a production truck. She initially had an missing eye and a major gash in her neck, the neck healed very well and the feathers have started to grow back. However since I have had her she will not eat. I have given her baby food/feed and yogurt/feed, sometimes apple sauce, and she always drinks her water, but lately she has had runny yellow poops, with some green in them and black Rocky stuff. She produced 1 egg the day we found her, then a soft shell egg, then nothing at all. She has become extremely lethargic to the point that her neck hangs and she falls over, I assumed she was dying last night, so held her in my arms for comfort and placed her in a warm box, she is still alive and now drinking water again, but no eating still. Is she egg bound? Or parasites? Or maybe salmonella. I have given her water with Gatorade, honey, sugar in the water, and vinegar, everything that was suggested in the last post about her. How can I try to keep this sweet girl alive? She really has a will to live.
Thank You and happy holidays to all.
Wow, this is a really amazing story, I'd like to start by telling how awesome it is that you brought her into your home and gave her a chance.

To answer you question, I think the issue is that she's not eating enough. Really anything you can get her to eat is good, but I think the lack of nutrients is getting to her. Are you feeding her chicken feed when you say "feed" in the description? Or is that something else?
Can you weight her for us please? Is she responsive, can she hold her head up? Is she still fighting? If there is a chance you can save her, you'll need to prepare yourself to tube feed her. That is the the most affective, and easiest way to get food into a hen who refuses to eat. @casportpony and @azygous will be able to give you some more information on that.
@Wyorp Rock and @Eggcessive will also be helpful. I'll try to find a tube feeding article for you, so you can at least see if you can source the supplies.
Thank you. I have always tried the best for her since the very beginning. I believe you are right. I just weighed her and she is very thin. 2 1/2 pounds. I guess I assumed that eventually she would eat on her own and hydration was enough. However I have been spoon feeding her the small amounts of various foods. This is my first chicken ever so still learning. My vehicle is in the shop until Dec 1st and nobody will transport. Can I keep trying to pry her beak open and give her spoonfuls of baby food in the meantime? Yes I mix the chicken feed in with the baby food. She is slightly responsive but her head hangs and her eyes are closed. I have to hold her head up, but as far as I can see she is still fighting. I hope her body is able to digest the food, do they need the black gravel stuff to digest the food? I read somewhere that they need gravel to digest food. How often should she be spoon fed? I don't want to overload her stomach or wherever the food is held. Water is given 8 times daily. I won't give up if she keeps fighting.
I applaud you for trying to help this bird. After having such a rough life, it's nice to know that she gets to feel loved.
Do you happen to know what kind of feed, like the brand and type? Is she able to see with her remaining eye? Have you given any vitamins, like selenium?
Thank you. I have always tried the best for her since the very beginning. I believe you are right. I just weighed her and she is very thin. 2 1/2 pounds. I guess I assumed that eventually she would eat on her own and hydration was enough. However I have been spoon feeding her the small amounts of various foods. This is my first chicken ever so still learning. My vehicle is in the shop until Dec 1st and nobody will transport. Can I keep trying to pry her beak open and give her spoonfuls of baby food in the meantime? Yes I mix the chicken feed in with the baby food. She is slightly responsive but her head hangs and her eyes are closed. I have to hold her head up, but as far as I can see she is still fighting. I hope her body is able to digest the food, do they need the black gravel stuff to digest the food? I read somewhere that they need gravel to digest food. How often should she be spoon fed? I don't want to overload her stomach or wherever the food is held. Water is given 8 times daily. I won't give up if she keeps fighting.
2 pounds is very thin, if she continues to decline she may not make it.
I would feed her as much as you can. I would start using only chicken feed though. To do this, crumble is best, but place the desired amount of chicken feed in a bowl. Cover it with a thin layer of water and mix. Crumble will absorb the water very quickly, but pellets will need to be "kneaded".
Let me find that tube feeding article for you. You'll need it. Hopefully some of the members I tagged will comment soon.
Chickens tend to love eggs. You could try offering a finely chopped boiled egg.
This ^^
Great idea! Why didn't I think of this.
You can try feeding sugar water (for every boost) or a DIY electrolyte solution if you can find one. I've seen others make those when electrolytes aren't available.
Egg is a great idea. Raw egg mixed in with the wet food mash is always good. If you have a way to get ahold of Nutri Drench, maybe a friend is going by a feed store and can grab some for you? That can have some outstanding results.

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