Any idea breed?

Those are going to be midnight majesty Marans. As most have said - it is just a hybrid. A prolific egg layer bred with a Marans that will produce a lot of dark chocolate eggs (with a certain small percentage of offspring laying a normal brown egg). Some will have feathered legs and some won't. It is essentially a black sex link that lays dark eggs, but not a true "Marans".

My bet would be at some point they use a cuckoo marans and the "cuckooing" is what will sex link the babies. That is a guess.

The second is certainly not a speckled Sussex. 💯 certain on that. Not sure what it is, but @RoostersAreAwesome is the best when it comes to those duckwing types.
What about this one. She's suppose to be a Speckled Sussex.
Too young to be certain, though speckled sussex is definitely possible.

Midnight majesty marans can be a black copper marans x barred rock or a cross of two different varieties of marans. They aren’t much different than your typical hatchery marans.
This is my Noir Marans from Mt Healthy at 11 weeks. Pretty sure they’re the same as Midnight Marans. She has the same white on her wing and dark legs as your chick. She has lightly feathered legs. I think your chicks are probably what they say they are.

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