Any idea what this airplane(Helicopter) is doing?

I could tell you....
But then I'd have to kill you

I can tell you to start wearing the tin foil hats.
If they are flying over your house, you have a right to ask what they are doing. I'd call the base and ask if they know what's up.
It is often easier for heavy equipment to be moved by helicopter than by loading it in a truck and taking it to a place that is not very accessable. You are probably seeing peices of a tower being moved.
No i don;t think that is what it is because it is just that round thing that they have one there and they keep going back and forth they do not have enough time to even touch down to get a piece or even stop.

And I am not sure if it is the base or not. So not sure who to even call or ask
IF they are flying directly over your house at low altitude they could very well be in violation of FAA rules. Call the base Public Affairs Office and inquire.
We were wondering if it was either minerals or some other survey it still though creeps me out a bit.
July the 4th we had a huge convoy of helicopters and military air support flying over. They were flying low. Fly in different formations. Then we realized after a while what was going on. President Bush was speaking at Mountpelier and it was the security and the presidential helicopter being escorted.
Weird but cool. Don;t think anything like that is going on up here and it is just the one plane. Plus it is northeren ny nothing ever goes on up here like that.
It almost looks like a net.

Are you on the US Canada boarder? We are, and we get all sorts of stuff patrolling. Military, coastguard, and boarder patrol.

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