Any idea what this airplane(Helicopter) is doing?

looks like a helicopter. Could be scoping the power lines? They do it here every few months. Maybe it could be spraying for pests? Doesn't look like a med or police heli. So who knows.
Maybe some rich guy taking pics of his property? Could be anything. We see them daily so, who knows. Could be for fun haha. You aren't PARANOID are you? LOL
Okay. Well I didn't because it's super hard to see what it is carrying. So I must conclude it's the oval office then. If not, then it looks like it's carrying something light weight. Maybe it's a gadget carrying some kind of surveyor? Who knows. Great pic though.
With technology now-a-days, who really knows.
Looks like a huge surf board. I would call your local news station to ruffle some feathers. you got pics, you got evidence, what in the world is it? Ya know! Do it for all of us at BYC.
I think the power line scanner scenario is the most likely answer. The title of this thread still bugs me, it's obviously a helicopter, not and airplane! Around here they use airplanes this time of year looking for pot growing in the woods and fields.
He is a mutt. I believe he is a cochin OEGB cross. Mutts are always interesting you never know what you are going to get.
Sorry if it really bugs you that much that I can change it. We never really decifer between the two around here. We just call them airplanes.
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We use to have lead mines around here. We have some of the mines on our property so maybe that is it. I just wish that they would have given us some warning if that is what they are up to.

I think this covers it pretty well!

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