Any 'Lord of the Rings' fans out there?

The book is well worth reading. The original was in one huge book that covered the trilogy. It was the first book of that size that I ever read cover to cover. And I have since read it multiple times. When the movies came out, it really helped because then you knew how to pronounce the things that were weird spellings. But that is what happens when you mix different old languages along with a language that you make up yourself.
We named our daughter Eowyn. After the book, my husband had wanted to since he was about 14, I couldn't change his mind. She's very proud of it, has seen most parts of the movies, and thinks that the last one is actually based on Princess Eowyn. She wants to grow up to be "brave and strong and loyal, just like Princess Eowyn. And kill the baddest baddest guy." She's awesome.
Hey, that's what I should do. We're going out of state in Nov for my little brother's wedding. I'll get The Hobbit on CD and listen to it in the car for the kiddoes. They should like that. WhooHoo. Thanks for the cool idea!

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