Any one into heavy couponing?

Do you ever get tired of couponing? I am all gung-ho for about 6 months and then burn out with all the cutting, organizing, and driving around town to 4 different stores. I did the grocery game for about a year. I got tired of going to the store and having half of the items sold out. Yes, I could get rain checks, but the coupons to make the deal really great would expire.
We also don't have double or triple coupons here, so I rarely got anything for free!!!!

I still feed a family of four for less than $400 a month (including non-food items we each need), and maintain a stockpile that will last us a LONNNGGGG time.

Not knocking couponing! Just wondering if I am the only one in the world who burned out.
I'm sure I will eventually get back on the couponing bandwagon.
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No, you are not alone! I do try and clip the coupons every week, and I religously scan the sales flyers. Some weeks I just plain don't need anything on special, so I only shop for milk, bread and fresh produce. Other weeks, I need a LOT on special, so I do stock up. So some weeks I am gung ho, and some weeks not so much.

I'm jealous of the triples the OP is posting though! We don't have that store here nor does anyone around here do doubles or triples.
i really need to learn this! with a family of 9, we spend roughly.....1300 a month on food! that is buying no meat..we have a cow in the frezzer, we fish, and no chicken or eggs! I need to go buy a paper since shopping day is sunday
I have been doing this since september, I am to the point where my idea of cheap is so different. before I started using lots of coupons cheap to me was about $.80, but now after using coupons for a while and getting the hang of it, if it's not free then cheap is like less than $.20. I have built up so much, that I can be picky on what I get each week. it's nice to have those extras and all you need to get is some meat, and milk. I am still pretty gung ho, but when the sales aren't that good it's not a huge problem because I have so much in my cabinets already. I am sure I will burn out at some point (maybe once we get another freezer and it's full too). plus I love it when my mom or SIL comes over and I send them home with stuff that they won't have to buy. making myself feel good for being generous, and making some room in my limited cabinet space at the same time
it all starts with getting a few sunday papers. this sunday is a perfect time to start your coupon inventory. there should be 3 booklets this weekend, so get more than one paper. that is how you save more money, because you have more opportunity to get more of the items on a great sale. then when you need it, you won't have to go out and buy any at a high price.
Ive got to get more into it than I am, in a month I will be loosing 1/3 of my income. One trick I have is that if you check the store specials many items that are on sale will also have coupons that week. Another thing is knowing what the regular price is on the items that you buy. So one store has buy one get one free and another store has the item for 50% off, you know what is the better deal.
Someone please tell me where you get all of these coupons? Both my husband and I just got laid off from our jobs so this is something huge I could do to really help us save a few dollars.
get a few sunday papers this sunday, and cut every coupon out of the inserts. use it when the item is on sale, not just because you have the coupon (unless it is a good deal for you without a sale)

also check out

there is a link earlier in this thread I think, to get to the couponing 101. everything you need to learn is there. and everystore you shop at has a thread for you to check out. most of the time the deals are already laid out and all you have to do is have the coupon and go to the store. half the work is done for you, most of the time. all it takes is some reading, and you can save lots of money
just wanted to add another source, the company websites or phone numbers on the products. If you shoot off an email or phone call to tell a company how much you like their product many times they will send you coupons. Also if you purchase a product you dont like or like a cleaning product that didnt work for you, call them and many times they will send a small refund.

Also you can print what you want, will send coupons if you sign up for emails.

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