Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?


My girls all have this, but I have attributed it to my Roo, who is quite the aggressive breeder, his time is limited. Is there any picking going on with any of the girls? I have also read that chickens that young go through several "mini molts" during thier first year. Maybe just shedding a few winter feathers? I wouldn't worry too much of course, unless you see some bald spots coming, then you'd have to look further. I have GOT to plan a morning, perhaps when DH is off, and do an exam on each girl. I want to check for any skin problems, look at their feet, and also check their vents. It's very tough to get near any of them with as stressed out as he gets, and makes them in the process.
Thanks MB, hoping just a mini molt, she's the only one really doing it, and the feathers i'm finding (which aren't numerous) have lots of downy fluff and just a few actual feathers so maybe she's losing her baby fluff and getting her "big girl feathers" in? It's just been so cold that i worry she's not going to be able to keep warm if she loses a lot. She lays every single day - doesn't miss a beat. I will definitely get another RIR in the future, and she's so pretty. Its windy and rainy with freezing rain today. I put plastic around several walls of the run to keep the wind/rain off of them, a little puddle has formed on the south side that I didn't cover and of course, that's where they are playing. Their feet are covered in mud- yet the other side is completely dry. Chickens! I saw a large flock of robins yesterday so maybe warmer weather is around next week's corner. :)
I got my first egg ever from one of my white leghorns yesterday!!! I did a dance and everything about it lol. Today she gave me another egg...but it was cracked
...The first egg was layed underthe coop...and that was a hassle for me to get that! The second egg was laid on the coop floor....and I was late getting the girls out today so they stepped all over it. Now if my other leghorn, maran and barred rock would start laying everything would be right with the world!

Oh and I got new chicks yesterday! 2 Cuckoo Marans and 2 Barred Rocks.

The first egg is on the right and today's egg is on the left

There are 4 chicks here, but 1 is hiding behind the one in the middle

AWESOME!!! Ran home on lunch today!!! 2 EGGS !!!!! Both the RIR and BLRW are now laying, they looked a little different so thinking 1 from each!! It was kind of an easter egg hunt for the one, so not sure if i missed it yesterday or not.. But 2 beautiful brown eggs!! Now all 3 of my girls are laying!!!

age at 1st egg:
RIR 6 1/2 months old
BLRW 8 months old
OEGF @ 5 months old
I ordered an incubator!!!! WHAT am I getting myself into!!!!
It's a hova bator circulated air. I am waiting for it to arrive in the meanwhile I am reading up on how to incubate eggs. Any help would be appreciated!!!!
YAY!! Another hatch buddy!!

I got my start with a circulated air Hovabator! The only advice I can give you is not to get your hopes up too, too high with shipped eggs. A lot of people have great luck right from the first hatch, but keep in mind that a 50% hatch rate would be considered great success on shipped eggs. Also, for my Hovabator, I very much prefer the dry incubation method. Keep in mind I live in a pretty humid area, so you have to find what works best for you! Take lots of notes. Try not to over-handle the eggs during the first 7 days of incubation. Hmmm...That's all I can think of right now.

My current hatch is on day 3. 18 days till chicks! We had an ice storm last night. I was paranoid we'd lose power, but thankfully we did not. However, the kids missed school again, and now they have to attend school this Saturday.

You can probably guess how much I love getting up super early on a Saturday to take the kids to school.
Oh, and speaking of hatching...more specifically my hatching addiction and poor chicken math...

I have 24 eggs in the incubator currently. I'm planning to sell all of those chicks. But then I'd like to set more for keepers, especially considering I got 8 little roosters and only 2 pullets from my last hatch. But the big question is...what breeds?? Opinions? Is there any breed I simply MUST have? I can't decide. I want something different I look through the eggs for sale forum, and I read and read. There are so many breeds I want to try! I was actually thinking of ordering a mixed box from My Pet Chicken. I got one of my first sets of eggs from them, and I was really happy with all the chickens I hatched. That way it's a surprise, and a mix. I really like surprises.
I'm hoping that this means our BO is laying! Found a small egg with blood on it layed in the corner of the coop instead of a nest?
That would now put us at all 6 girls laying! My trail cam was tilted wrond ang missed who it was :( Now our 2 next girls shouldn't start until April/May
. I did the different ages so I would be getting all kinds of suprises LOL Guess I'll have to wait til tomorrow to see whos who :( Congrats to all 1st layers! Happy Tuesday to all!!!
Oh, and speaking of hatching...more specifically my hatching addiction and poor chicken math...

I have 24 eggs in the incubator currently. I'm planning to sell all of those chicks. But then I'd like to set more for keepers, especially considering I got 8 little roosters and only 2 pullets from my last hatch. But the big question is...what breeds?? Opinions? Is there any breed I simply MUST have? I can't decide. I want something different I look through the eggs for sale forum, and I read and read. There are so many breeds I want to try! I was actually thinking of ordering a mixed box from My Pet Chicken. I got one of my first sets of eggs from them, and I was really happy with all the chickens I hatched. That way it's a surprise, and a mix. I really like surprises.
I really like my Speckled Sussex they have great personalities and I think they are very pretty. I have 5. They did pretty good laying last year I got 667 eggs out of them in the 10 months the laid before molting. That's not counting 8 days I was on vacation and had the neighbors gathering eggs for me. They were laying 3 to 4 eggs per day at that time. So I guess I could add another 25 eggs to that total making it 692 in 10 months. They lay a medium sized (1.7 oz to 1.9 oz) light brown to sometimes almost pinkish looking egg.
Oh, and speaking of hatching...more specifically my hatching addiction and poor chicken math...

I have 24 eggs in the incubator currently. I'm planning to sell all of those chicks. But then I'd like to set more for keepers, especially considering I got 8 little roosters and only 2 pullets from my last hatch. But the big question is...what breeds?? Opinions? Is there any breed I simply MUST have? I can't decide. I want something different I look through the eggs for sale forum, and I read and read. There are so many breeds I want to try! I was actually thinking of ordering a mixed box from My Pet Chicken. I got one of my first sets of eggs from them, and I was really happy with all the chickens I hatched. That way it's a surprise, and a mix. I really like surprises.
This is the million dollar question! My second fantasy flock changes daily. Ok,, my two cents.....You all ready have beautiful blue/green tinted eggs, so maybe this won't appeal to you, but I def what some creme legbars. they are incredible free range/foragers, and lay a beautiful blue egg. You have the Marans covered, another must for me. I am craving a few Coronation sussex. They are wonderful dual purpose birds, not so rare anymore so they are affordable, and supposedly lay a pinkish hue egg.. They are supposed to be of a very kind, human friendly disposition, and are very beautiful birds. What about Welsummers.. the speckled eggs are neat looking. I must admit, the Brahma's are starting to get to me too. Love the look of them, and they are supposed to be super friendly as well. I have also been lilking these Olive Eggers from this one breeder someone in the local 4-H got from a breeder. Deep green eggs. Who doesn't want Green eggs and ham?

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Love that fantasy flock, love the Brahmas, Welsummers, not sure what the sussex is will have to do a little research on that. We have gotten rain/ice/snow all day today, over an 1" of rain, my run is completely flooded--makes me sick, I threw some straw down to try and give them something dry to walk on, but just went out to check on them and the straw is all soaking too, it's still freaking raining-- They are nice and dry in their coop and all roosting for bed, but tomorrow will be another challenging day.
Red's DA MAN!​

Ok, wow good to know I can expect them more than I thought. You must have been tickled to get them back to back, the cartons fill up rather quickly then. What have you been doing with all your eggs. DH is really enjoying gifting them at work. Did anyone buy cartons yet? I have used up all the saved cartons I had on the dining room table!

I am afraid I am getting close to making a decision with Duke.. He is now starting to beat up on the girls. Aggression towards me, I can try to deal with, but the constant covering, and pulling out feathers in the process is driving me batty. The girls are starting to look like they are going through a molt. His "favorite" hen that he covers the most looks awful. Now her back is getting bare. Like USVI said of her roo, you can be protective and attentive but still be a gentle roo. I am torn, but have been speaking with a nice BYC member close to me who needs to re home a beautiful BCM cockrel that is the same age as my flock and I think I just may take her up on. Wish he would just settle down. If I didn't read so many times on BYC that there is just no reason to keep a monster roo around, I would just think that this is the way roosters are, and put up with it. I was attached to the little bugger, that is until he started giving me that stink eye, and flogging my leg when I turn to walk away... typical chicken!

There are REALLY nice roos out there! There isn't a reason to keep a hold of a mean roo. I had to cull 4 this last December. I had a hatch of 6 where 5 turned out to be roos. Two of them were AWFUL. The biggest one would attack us for no reason and even try to chase you down every single time you turned your back on him so he could kick you in the legs. Two were the last to develop so very submissive and quiet and the last one was a bantam that was awesome and kept everyone in line while still liking to be carried around like a baby. He is my avatar and I cried a little when he had to go, he was so loud and crowed from 4 and 5 am until bedtime(roos are a no no around here) so he had to go. I kept one who is friendly, quiet, mild mannered and does his duty without hurting the hen. When they go nasty like that it's time. My sister has a three inch scar along the back of her leg where a nasty roo kicked her with his spurs. He became dinner.

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