Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

I ordered an incubator!!!! WHAT am I getting myself into!!!!
It's a hova bator circulated air. I am waiting for it to arrive in the meanwhile I am reading up on how to incubate eggs. Any help would be appreciated!!!!

I have stopped myself 4 times from ordering one. I just keep thinking i have to have another coop ready for them, I've been looking and looking. Congrats! Brooster is quite experienced at hatching, and i am sure she would love to be a help. I've been a lurker on the Natural chicken keeping thread, and there are a TON of very nice members there who are so very experienced at hatching. A friendly thread where you don't feel intimidated asking questions. Here is the link

So.. what kind of eggs are you going to try and hatch, or are you going to make a first run with your own eggs! Oh, I'm so happy now we can keep up with you and Broosters upcoming Hatch!
I've heard great things about that bator as well,,, Good Luck!


I have stopped myself 4 times from ordering one. I just keep thinking i have to have another coop ready for them, I've been looking and looking. Congrats! Brooster is quite experienced at hatching, and i am sure she would love to be a help. I've been a lurker on the Natural chicken keeping thread, and there are a TON of very nice members there
Thanks MB

Well I think I went ahead of myself. I found Marans fertile eggs on ebay for $1.00 (bidding) I was hoping that someone would out bid me but i ended up winning them
I think lol... I don't know what made my fingers click bid... same with the incubator. I was the same for weeks... i would look and read and then yesterday my finger clicked purchase
don't know how it happened... lol

I contacted the seller and ask if he could hold off shipping my eggs until I got my incubator set up for a week or so..he agreed which was soooo nice of him.

Will post picks when I get it!!! Brooster any words of advice????????
MB I have buff orpingtons. 8 in the incubator... can't wait to see anything when Icandle in a couple days. They are a little over 21 weeks. The roo, Mr. Peeps, has come at me only a few times... he usually just puffs up when I am near the girls, then I stomp at him. He has been giving up at attacking b/c I have kicked him away, and held him upside down in my arms like a baby. I am hoping once his hormones calm a little he will too. :)
MB I have buff orpingtons. 8 in the incubator... can't wait to see anything when Icandle in a couple days. They are a little over 21 weeks. The roo, Mr. Peeps, has come at me only a few times... he usually just puffs up when I am near the girls, then I stomp at him. He has been giving up at attacking b/c I have kicked him away, and held him upside down in my arms like a baby. I am hoping once his hormones calm a little he will too.
Oh that is right, sorry, I'm gettin old, and am quite forgetful these days. Keeping up with these rugrats of mine is a challange! Just had to run $432 to the school nurse, we were the last hold out for paying our final payment for the senior class trip spring fling to Universal studios. See that's were the money for my incubator would have gone! lol.....

Oh keep us posted on your hatch as well. Is this your first time hatching? So cute, little bo babies. THey are so pretty. These incubator companies must be raking it in, so many people trying their hand at hatching, so exciting. good luck with yours as well, and let us know how the candlling goes. Gosh, I will be a nervous wreck if I ever get around to trying that!

Oh yeah first time hatching. I need to build a tractor for these little ones that hopefully hatch. Planning on using the males for meat birds, and swapping out hens when needed. I would also sell some chicks if anyone was interested. They are from hatchery birds though, so they won't be huge like from a breeder.
MB~ so glad mine aren't old enough to want expensive things. I am just hoping for the boy to stop pooping his pants! He's almost 4, lactose and wheat intolerant. He's been a handful from the start.
I need to talk to our landlord.... Ihavent officially about the chickens :/ Iwould like to get more, but don't want to spring coops and tractors everywhere and then her knock on the door asking for an explaination. maybe invite her when the chicks hatch?
MB~ so glad mine aren't old enough to want expensive things. I am just hoping for the boy to stop pooping his pants! He's almost 4, lactose and wheat intolerant. He's been a handful from the start.
I need to talk to our landlord.... Ihavent officially about the chickens
Iwould like to get more, but don't want to spring coops and tractors everywhere and then her knock on the door asking for an explaination. maybe invite her when the chicks hatch?
Better yet, give her fresh eggs! I have weekenders from New York City as neighbors next door. The chickens think their 4 acre backyard is their domain. So far, they say they don't mind at all, but I have to make sure next time they come up, to warn them about allowing their 4 year old daughter who loves to say hello to the hens about Duke. I swear, the cons list to him is growing daily. They have been wonderful, so I always run over at least 6 eggs, sometimes 12, when I see them come up for the weekend!.

My girls all have this, but I have attributed it to my Roo, who is quite the aggressive breeder, his time is limited. Is there any picking going on with any of the girls? I have also read that chickens that young go through several "mini molts" during thier first year. Maybe just shedding a few winter feathers? I wouldn't worry too much of course, unless you see some bald spots coming, then you'd have to look further. I have GOT to plan a morning, perhaps when DH is off, and do an exam on each girl. I want to check for any skin problems, look at their feet, and also check their vents. It's very tough to get near any of them with as stressed out as he gets, and makes them in the process.
Thanks MB, hoping just a mini molt, she's the only one really doing it, and the feathers i'm finding (which aren't numerous) have lots of downy fluff and just a few actual feathers so maybe she's losing her baby fluff and getting her "big girl feathers" in? It's just been so cold that i worry she's not going to be able to keep warm if she loses a lot. She lays every single day - doesn't miss a beat. I will definitely get another RIR in the future, and she's so pretty. Its windy and rainy with freezing rain today. I put plastic around several walls of the run to keep the wind/rain off of them, a little puddle has formed on the south side that I didn't cover and of course, that's where they are playing. Their feet are covered in mud- yet the other side is completely dry. Chickens! I saw a large flock of robins yesterday so maybe warmer weather is around next week's corner. :)

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