Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Kdwag~ I hear you about the rain... might be snow now, but I'm not going back out. Mine have a great roost area, but their floor is a muddy mess. Going to put in a wood floor soon. Maybe this weekend. I also need to cover my run. There are billboards near us, just waiting til I see someone out there tearing them off.
Lilly our Dominique, has started laying. Her 1st egg was small, normal, then yesterday and today both were soft shelled :( All of the other girls are all laying normal. If there was a problem with lack of calcium wouldn't more then 1 be laying soft shelled?
There are REALLY nice roos out there! There isn't a reason to keep a hold of a mean roo. I had to cull 4 this last December. I had a hatch of 6 where 5 turned out to be roos. Two of them were AWFUL. The biggest one would attack us for no reason and even try to chase you down every single time you turned your back on him so he could kick you in the legs. Two were the last to develop so very submissive and quiet and the last one was a bantam that was awesome and kept everyone in line while still liking to be carried around like a baby. He is my avatar and I cried a little when he had to go, he was so loud and crowed from 4 and 5 am until bedtime(roos are a no no around here) so he had to go. I kept one who is friendly, quiet, mild mannered and does his duty without hurting the hen. When they go nasty like that it's time. My sister has a three inch scar along the back of her leg where a nasty roo kicked her with his spurs. He became dinner.
Thank you jyurina,

I needed to hear that! I get sad thinking about getting rid of him, but to be honest, it's just such a drag. You all should see how much mud is out behind my barn. Then every night, it refreezes, becomes a sheet of ice. Don't know if you all remember I hurt my leg falling, so between trying to not lose my balance either on the ice, or greasy slick mud, keeping my eye on him is tenuous. I take Jackson in with me when I need to work around him. He is a smart sucker too, every time I call out "Jack", he does one of those squawks. He knows I'm calling the dog. Amazing.....

Thanks, MB
Wow MB~it's like he's really after you. I think for your safety you should get rid of him. I am a nurse and worked in nursing homes with falls( not saying you are aged :)) the ice is the worst, you could really get hurt and not fully recoop. You shouldn't have to watch your back and where you step at the same time. Great dog you have though ;)
Wow MB~it's like he's really after you. I think for your safety you should get rid of him. I am a nurse and worked in nursing homes with falls( not saying you are aged
) the ice is the worst, you could really get hurt and not fully recoop. You shouldn't have to watch your back and where you step at the same time. Great dog you have though
Oh, I am aged! lol...going to be 54 this year, yikes ,how does that happen!

Yes, I agree with you, it shouldn't have to be this hard. He makes the girls on edge too. They used to come around much more often, now they act as if I'm something to stay away from. Biggest reason I am going to get rid of him is, he is really roughing up the girls now. They are starting to show beginings of bare backs... that I don't want.

Thanks for the compliment on Jackson, he is awesome!
MB - I'm in love with your dog.....

I've been busy the last couple of days - so it's been nice to catch up on all the posts about eggs arriving. Well done, everyone!!! I got 4 from 4 today - I hope I'm still allowed to "hang out" with you all now all my girls have officially graduated.

I love the photos of spring flowers too. Lucklily we won't have signs of autumn/fall until well into March, even April so we still have long warm summer days here. Surely in a few months I can complain here about my lack of eggs in winter whilst y'all are getting swamped with more eggs than you need....

MB - I've seen saddles people make to protect their girls from too much attention from a rooster but it just seems mean to me that he would be so awful to them. I have never had a roo so don't know how much you or the girls should have to put up with. But I know I love my girls so dearly that I wouldn't stand for him hurting them like this. Maybe if you try with another rooster you may get one of those lovely gentle ones I hear some people have.

I am a soft touch though. I have a wild bird feeder and many Aussie native parrots pair for life and turn up to feed in pairs. One species, the Galah, doesn't let the female eat. The others, King Parrots, Rosellas, Cockatoos and Lorrikeets, feed politely in pairs - in fact often the male keeps watch and lets the female eat her fill first. The Galahs annoyed me so much I bought a second feeder attachment so when I see them I put out "His n Hers" feeders. DH says I am a great advocate for zero tolerance for domestic violence, feathered or not!

Best wishes during the egg waiting everyone
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