Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Oh noooooo...bad news.....I found a whole other section of the forum called "Social" It has recipes, more talk, etc. As if I need more to occupy my time. (I already check this thread WAY too often!!!!) I may need an intervention...stay tuned
i am getting 5 eggs a day now
That is awesome LoveChickens! How many girls do you have in all? I love filling those egg cartons!
I got 3 out of 4 hens... ok day.
Crafty,, I remember when we were just waiting for one!!! lol....
Oh noooooo...bad news.....I found a whole other section of the forum called "Social" It has recipes, more talk, etc. As if I need more to occupy my time. (I already check this thread WAY too often!!!!) I may need an intervention...stay tuned
I have had to seriously stay away from certain places..... I too spend more time than I care to admit! Whatever you do,, just don't cut us out of your schedule!

I have had to seriously stay away from certain places..... I too spend more time than I care to admit! Whatever you do,, just don't cut us out of your schedule!


Oh no...I feel like the crazy chicken thankful to have others to share stories, worries, pictures, etc with!! My friends just dont get excited when I tell them chicken tales. And I'm sure my husband could do with a little less chicken talk when he gets home from work! LOL!!! is a cute pic of my other EE.
Serious poofyness

Congrats on all the new eggs!!

I am so jealous of all these high egg counts for last month. My girls are really slacking, that or its just the difference in the breeds. I am still only averaging 4 eggs per day out of my 7 girls. All of my SS are squatting again which they stopped doing during their molt. We have been having some great weather these last few days lots of sunshine and a few 77 degree days in a row which is unusually high for this time of year here. Weather man did say rain for the next few days though.

DH helped me with the filling of the feeder today because it was a new bag of feed. He filled the feeder all the way to the top even though I told him not to because the just pull it out. He saw why about 30 minutes later when half the feeder was emptied out. I ended up taking the feeder out and I am letting them eat the feed off the ground. It took my girls 38 days to go through one 50# bag of feed and in that time they laid 99 eggs so each egg is now costing .09 much better then the $1.12 from back in December.
So, my 2nd gal laid her 1st egg tonight! But alas, it was soft shelled and broken :( the yolk was in tact and bright yellow. The "white layer" of egg was clear and the soft shell almost white (she is a barred rock mix/mutt pullet, thought her eggs would be brown like my other maybe they still will?)
I remember reading, here on BYC, something about a pullets 1st egg or two could be smaller/soft/even shell less? I'm a worried pullet mom at the moment lol is this normal? She seems great, friendly, eating well (layer pellets, a garden, and a few hours of lawn/woods time for bugs/veggies) Just worried I suppose because My Red mutts 1st eggs a few days ago were solid, brown and just, well, perfect lol

So, my 2nd gal laid her 1st egg tonight! But alas, it was soft shelled and broken
the yolk was in tact and bright yellow. The "white layer" of egg was clear and the soft shell almost white (she is a barred rock mix/mutt pullet, thought her eggs would be brown like my other maybe they still will?)
I remember reading, here on BYC, something about a pullets 1st egg or two could be smaller/soft/even shell less? I'm a worried pullet mom at the moment lol is this normal? She seems great, friendly, eating well (layer pellets, a garden, and a few hours of lawn/woods time for bugs/veggies) Just worried I suppose because My Red mutts 1st eggs a few days ago were solid, brown and just, well, perfect lol

That is normal. Just make sure you cleaned up all the raw egg out of the nest box and no pullets ate any of it. Do you have oyster shell for your girl? if you don't you can dry out the shells of the eggs you are getting and feed them back them.
Thanx...I do have oyster shell. I'll start offering it now that they're laying. It was in its own corner, not the nest box, they were on the roost when I found it :(. I cleaned out all the hay and replaced it with fresh. Checked her bum, it was fluffy and dry lol not dirty or sticky. But I am glad to hear its a normal thing, thanx again.
very normal! It takes a while for all the kinks to get worked out. Don't be worried if she gives you a bunch of regular eggs, than throws in another soft one. Her system is just starting out, it takes time. I am still recieving a bloody egg every now and then, far too much for my liking. Figuring out who is having the issue is going to be difficult, much less decide what to do with her. I know all the experienced chicken peeps say you should cull a chicken who does that, but not sure I can figure it out.

I am still putting things away from Easter Sunday dinner, last of it finallly being put back in the cabinets. ssoooo very tired!

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