Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Well, my hen laid in the car again. Going to have to keep them cooped a bit longer in the mornings I think. Had to let them out today though, the weather is just too nice not to. At least she does it where I can find it. I do have a question thought. After she lays she sits for quite a while. I walk out to check on them and she goes CRAZY. The car is on the back porch soI I can't get around disturbing her, but she clucks and yells at me and finally gets off and walks away making the most awful racket. Yesterday she spent several hours attempting to get out of the coop back to the car. Is this just because she is new to egg laying and doesn't quite get that she can lay and leave? Surely she can't be broody this early?
I have a barred rock that also sits for a long time. At first, I thought it was taking her a long time to lay, which it does, but I found that she also will sit on it for a long while. I'm guessing it's just her maternal instincts maybe. She always gets off eventually but it does take her a while.
Hi all... I miss everyone, but I have been so busy. It is great to see some of us still here and the newbies are wonderful. I remember being that stressed;) I still am... my first girls just turned 1 year old.. there are 3 young girls that have not started yet so I can still sympathies with everyone. My Americana/EE is now 24 weeks old and nothing. Not a song or squat... I can hardly wait... I want to know if it will be blue or green eggs from her.... my other 2 young girls are only about 20 weeks and they are Blue Andalusian. I think they are going to need a while more time.
My girl finally laid the other day. YAY!
Don't you love feeling that egg in your hand? LOL

Okay! I would love to join with you in the anticipation! I had actually forgotten I was (supposed to be!) anticipating new layers until I ran upon your post. I had to go back to my chicken book and count the weeks. I'm actually a bit ahead of 16. These were hatched out on June7th and 8th, making them almost 22 weeks. To my knowledge, no eggs yet.
Your chicken math is a little off. What month were they hatched in??? Either they were hatched in March or they aren't 22 weeks yet. Mine hatched March 15 and they are 22 weeks. I got my first egg from a Polish on her 22nd week birthday.
We got our first eggs last week (Thursday) so far we have had 20 we have 3 RIR's, 3 Black sex links and I am sure these are the ones doing the work, and 2 white leg horns.
Who seem to be hold on for special occasion
They are now 22 weeks old so it seems they were on course.............well some. But maybe Leg Horns lay later.

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