Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

My first New Hampshire out of 4 laid her first egg a week ago Sunday and they are 24 weeks old yesterday. So one at 23 weeks and no eggs from the others yet. It is very hard waiting but what else can a person do. I think I have one that is a Rhode Island red mix that is getting ready to lay. She was acting a little crazy today. She is seventeen weeks old, eighteen Wednesday. Pretty eggsciting stuff. Hahaha, corny huh!
Sage's sisters are following in her footsteps :) got 2 beautiful green eggs from one of my EE's and another from Sage in the last 24 hrs :) woot!!
I have 3 Barred Rocks and 1 Buff Orpington that are coming up on point of lay. My 2 White Rocks are only 11 weeks, so lots of time there. But the other 4 will be 18 weeks on Thurs. Two of the BR's got bright red, lots of comb and wattles, and go into the submissive squat very easily. My question, how long after all of this do they start laying?? They go around complaining all day, much like women in labor!!
Keep looking for those eggs........:)
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Got my first softshell egg in the yard... definitely wasn't from either of my girls that I have gotten hard shell eggs from so hopefully it was someone's first oopsie egg!
For Jaxdrisc, I have a barred rock and a buff orpington also and when I got them the lady told me they were laying. They had lots of chickens and maybe the others were laying. I got them July 29th and the barred rock started laying about 2 weeks ago and the buff has still not laid. Supposedly they were 5 months when I got them. The b.r. has laid an egg practically every day since she started. So, it looks like they lay whenever they feel like it. The B.O. still has a little comb and waddle so maybe the woman was off on the age of them. I prob. spelled waddle wrong but anyway you get it.
Thanks @Marcy54! It is tiny but I think it is pretty also! Hope you get an egg soon! I was like a little kid on Christmas morning when I found that egg!
We are awaiting out first arrival!! Our EE is 22 weeks and our Leghorn & Wyandottes are 20 weeks. Someone is fluffing the shavings each night (or the morning because they are all on the roost when I close the run up) this week right in front of the door. We have three nests in their coop. Two with straw and one with shavings (thought I would give a choice to see what they like). I do have a decoy egg in each nest.

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