Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Awesome!! Thank you so very much.

I was looking at it and saw that you do not need to refrigerate your eggs until they are washed??
Thank you!
I'd like to thank the chickens and the academy.
I need ideas! I finally moved the chickens into our backyard shed. They love to sleep in there and really like that the dogs can't come and snitch their veggies treats but despite numerous nest boxes and a much more secure area little Hermia is having NONE of it. She resolutely goes back every day to the old copp and screams bloody murder until someone opens it so she can lay an egg in there. I really need to take it down because some serious storm damage is making it not the sturdiest enclosure. Anyway, I want to stress her as little as possible especially since she is my only layer right now. Any ideas? I even sprinkled the same lavendar into the new boxes hoping that the similar smell would encourage her. But no. It doesn't help that she is the worlds most stubborn Bantam.
Is it possible to move the boxes from that coop to the new one?
Oh dear, oh dear. I fried me up 2 of the purdiest eggs you ever saw. Then I sat down at the computer to catch up on BYC, cut it with a fork and shot yolk all over the 1,2,3,q,w,shift,z,control,option keys. Had a napkin handy but the yolk was so thick I couldn't get it up. Do I have to live with the yellow stains forever? Evidently the keys still work just fine. Memories. And the flavor of the eggs was not to be beat.
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