Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Well, my hen laid in the car again. Going to have to keep them cooped a bit longer in the mornings I think. Had to let them out today though, the weather is just too nice not to. At least she does it where I can find it. I do have a question thought. After she lays she sits for quite a while. I walk out to check on them and she goes CRAZY. The car is on the back porch so I can't get around disturbing her, but she clucks and yells at me and finally gets off and walks away making the most awful racket. Yesterday she spent several hours attempting to get out of the coop back to the car. Is this just because she is new to egg laying and doesn't quite get that she can lay and leave? Surely she can't be broody this early?
KilnChick, pine is's cedar that's a no no. I got two more eggs yesterday. I believe one was from Dottie (same size/shape, and in the same nesting box), but I found the other one outside near the waterer. I think it must have been a surprise to whomever laid it, as the placement seemed somewhat accidental!
It is a bit lighter in color than the Dottie's two eggs. I'm thinking it was from one of my GLWs, as one of them has been squatting in earnest. If we get another egg today, we'll have enough for Saturday morning breakfast! Can't wait! Good luck to everyone...hope there are lots of new eggs soon!!
No longer feeling left out! I came home to a beautiful egg this morning
can't get picture to load right now but will try later!
I love them lol the EE was a trade. Her genes unknown- they told me ameraucana, I googled the name, checked a hatchery site, (hindsights lol)- but saw blue eggs ! BUT it's not like she was gonna drop an egg on command lol (supposed to have been an ameraucana and a blue egg layer for my daughter blue eggs) 'Whaaaaaaa?! Need lots blue eggs Mommy!' She tells me (she's 4). The eggs she lays are almost white (bluer on the inside lol) but she's a pretty & faithful daily layer of large eggs and the sweetest girl of the bunch so we learned the EE/ameraucana confusions and now have both EES & pure am's. Chicken math, if...already have an order for spring. Warn the Newbs! That big light egg is hers. They taste amazing with huge orange yolks. Love her lol
This video is precious! The red sex link was like...."I'll take that thank you!" Too hysterical. The Easter egger is colored so neat... she looked like she had stockings on... so neat! What is she crossed with? I have missed everyone, so sorry I have been absent from all the news.....crazy summer here. Miss you all, and thank you to everyone who is keeping the thread up and running. Welcome to all the newbies, hang in there, I promise the eggs will come , a big shout out to all my peeps out there! I promise to write a longer post later.... HUGS... MB
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I love them lol the EE was a trade. Her genes unknown- they told me ameraucana, I googled the name, checked a hatchery site, (hindsights lol)- but saw blue eggs ! BUT it's not like she was gonna drop an egg on command lol (supposed to have been an ameraucana and a blue egg layer for my daughter blue eggs) 'Whaaaaaaa?! Need lots blue eggs Mommy!' She tells me (she's 4). The eggs she lays are almost white (bluer on the inside lol) but she's a pretty & faithful daily layer of large eggs and the sweetest girl of the bunch so we learned the EE/ameraucana confusions and now have both EES & pure am's. Chicken math, if...already have an order for spring. Warn the Newbs!
That big light egg is hers. They taste amazing with huge orange yolks. Love her lol

That video was so funny but I'm wondering.. The egg thief looks like a rooster? Is it not? I have a RIR that looks just like that and thought surely its a rooster, now I'm confused!! But I do have a BIG Brahma Roo who got in one of the nest boxes that had an egg in it and he was making some strange noises and his tail feathers were vibrating! What's up with that?
I would like to join in on the anticipation! I bought some Ameracana's in March. They will be 6 months old Sept. the 3, according to the seller. Splash started crowing a few weeks ago,(with a soft muffled crow). He stopped for a while, and started back this morning with a better, little louder voice, and more confidence...(up on the gate). Unfortunately he is one of two roo's from his pack. He started hanging around the two guineas, while his brother hung around the other 4 hens. Now Splash wants a girl-friend, and is having a hard time convincing the girls he is actually serious about being a rooster! Ha ha. His brother isn't challenging him because the girls aren't serious about him anyway. I didn't know to look at the girls combs until now, but I am very anxious for some blue eggs, fertile or not. Anyone else have Ameracana's that can till me what age theirs started laying?
Thanks for this site, it will be fun to agonize together, LOL.
Red there is a red sex link mutt. Her comb has been huge and red even as a pre laying pullet lol. But she lays a huge pretty brown egg!

Here she is with my barred rock mutt also a good layer of light brown eggs, both had me worried they were Roo's! Before they laid. Had ads up on craigslist, found BYC, lotsa reading, I decided to wait for crowing...they laid eggs! Yay! Lol
So while comb color based on a good indicator on very young birds, size of combs on "mutt" birds varies so widely I don't think its as reliable. My ameraucanas are easy peasy pea combs and I still have one throwing me for a loop at 10 weeks lol

That video was so funny but I'm wondering.. The egg thief looks like a rooster? Is it not? I have a RIR that looks just like that and thought surely its a rooster, now I'm confused!! But I do have a BIG Brahma Roo who got in one of the nest boxes that had an egg in it and he was making some strange noises and his tail feathers were vibrating! What's up with that?
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My RIRs are laying! I thought they might have been but since I had two that were laying before I wasn't sure. My DD brought in one this morning that was laid too close to the last set to be one of my older girls and I found two more when I went back out a few minutes ago. This means I have at least 5 brown laying and at least 4 white laying! Still have a few that haven't started but I am more than happy with the progress so far!

Now I just want to see my EE lay her first blue egg!

Welcome to our new posters and congrats to those who have recently gotten their first eggs!
I got up this morning hoping I could get back from work in time to see my eggs hatch. Tomorrow is the 21st day, but I thought one might hatch late this afternoon. As I was getting ready for work I heard a loud peep! So loud it couldn't be inside an egg! Sure enough one little chick was stumbling around in the incubator, and another was trying to hatch out! At 4:30 a.m. the second one was out! At 4:45 another one had broken out, and three more were zipping! I had to go on to work, but my husband called we when he got home at 3:00 in the afternoon, and told me I had 8 chicks running around in the 'bator and another egg was just starting to peck! It is 9:14 pm and the one egg is still moving as the others have gone to sleep for the night. I had 10 eggs, so I have 80% hatch rate so far! Much better than I ever hoped for my first hatch!
I have a question: Do you start counting your incubator days when the eggs are put in the incubator, or when they were layed? You see, I collected 4 eggs, on a Sunday, then had to go out of town, so we kept these in a cooler as near 55% as we could, until I returned. The next day my DH added 3 more eggs to the cooler. On the third day, (Tues) I got home and added 3 more eggs that I collected that day, put all of them in the incubator and started it. (10 eggs total.)
I started my counting on the day I started the incubator. Tomorrow is the 21st day, yet all but 2 eggs have already hatched. This makes me wonder if the 2 that haven't hatched are from the last 3 collected eggs, (meaning one of them is 3 days premature! Anyone have an opinion on this?
Oh, I have another question: I know a brooding hen doesn't lay eggs, but do they lay one the day after they start brooding, or do they stop the day they start setting? Just wondering how many eggs are under my hen that started setting, 1 or 2. we have given her one other egg a day from another hen, for the past 3 days. Do you think they will hatch one a day after her first one...on day 22, 23 and 24? or all on the same day?
This is sooo interesting! I had never seen an egg hatch or new born chicks until today!
<9:53 pm~Going to check and see how the zipping one is doing. maybe I can see one hatch...Nope. Still just a tinny peck showing. The other chicks are bumping and stumbling around him. If he isn't out tomorrow should I help him, or give him another day or two?(Back to my counting question.) humm>
Thank you for the team support! Hope you eggs are all hatching soon too!
My RIRs are laying! I thought they might have been but since I had two that were laying before I wasn't sure. My DD brought in one this morning that was laid too close to the last set to be one of my older girls and I found two more when I went back out a few minutes ago. This means I have at least 5 brown laying and at least 4 white laying! Still have a few that haven't started but I am more than happy with the progress so far!

Now I just want to see my EE lay her first blue egg!

Welcome to our new posters and congrats to those who have recently gotten their first eggs!
Congrats, how old are they? I'm anxiously waiting on four more to start that are 24 weeks.

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