Any other Baby chicks doing this?

Has anyone with chicks under 4 weeks let them free range outside? I'm to " CHICKEN" to let them out of the coop yet. I'm afraid they will be next to impossible to get back in.
I started taking mine outside at about 3 weeks old, with no pen. I only took 2-5 at a time. They were really good about following me and coming when I called. I think they felt small and afraid out there in that big open space, and pretty much stuck to my feet most of the time (or flew up and landed on me!). I got the best results with 2. The more I took out, the more comfortable they were with a small group of chicks.

It only takes one to follow you. The others will (usually) come along too then.

When I tried to move 26 of them at 4 weeks old, it was kind of chaotic. About half followed and went where I wanted (their pen, that they were semi-familiar with). The other half scattered and had to be retrieved.

For what it worth. Probably others will have better answers and more experience.


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