Any other hawaiians out there?

Aloha from Maui,
Hey you saw my birds, nice ribbons huh? Think last year was my last showing. Have been told due to budget cuts, myself and family wont be part of committee, per the fair rules no cages can be cleaned from day one to day 5 EXCEPT since we were committee we could only clean our own cages. Can't see the animals in crap for 5 days. I still have those silkies too, silkies are awesome!!!
Aloha from the Big Island!
We have a small farm in Puna with 4 rhode island reds/white and 1 barred rock, all 4 1/2 months old and just got our first egg!
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Hi Islandchix! Aloha from Hilo! It's nice to know there are other BYC folks here on the Big Island. I have 3 silkie hens, 2 angora rabbits, a pup, and tilapia/koi.
I guess that means I have a very tiny farm.
Aloha silkienewbiegurl, yes good to know other Hawaiian byc'ers. Hawaii is a great place to farm for sure. We have a rex rabbit and a pup too. We would like to add a goat soon!
And how is it that I only just saw this message thread?? I have spent the last year of my life on this message board. lol

I live in Ocean View on the Big Island.
I have 16 hens (6 reds, 5 barred rocks and 5 easter eggers) that I ordered from a hatchery on the mainland. After spending a year learning all about these girls I have decided to try to hatch my own.
I now have 12 purebred wheaten ameraucana eggs in my incubator. I have 12 more marans eggs on their way here. Shipping is hell on these poor eggs so if I can just get a few of each breed I want then I will keep a rooster and grow my own next time! lol
Hey Christie! We've been thinking of ordering hatching eggs from the mainland too. Not sure yet, maybe we will just get a local boy for our girls

Good luck with the incubating! Did you get your bator from Dell's? We've been looking at the one they carry.
I ordered mine from mainland. I think I found a place by searching amazon. I didn't want to get the one from Dels cuz it is still air and from what I read I want one with circulated air. I got the hova bator 1588. It seems to keep temps perfect. I am doing a more dry incubation than what the directions called for. Had to get a humidity gauge from petco.
My hatch day is not till next Friday soo we shall see how it goes.
I am hatching wheaten ameraucana and just today set some marans. Hopefully I will get a rooster in each variety and I won't have to do shipped eggs again. Shipping is so hard on them.

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