Any pagan chicken keepers?

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Native american paganism is only paganism in the sense of being referred to by christians. Unrelated to european paganism completely.
I didn't want to offend anyone but it seems that everyone here is quite sensitive. It does remind me of my last experience on this website..
I'm not sure how i'm close minded, do you expect me to just accept what you say? I didn't start this in the first place, @igorsMistress just got offended at a harmless statement.
No comment about being a skinhead..
You sound condescending and obviously racist. This thread asked if there were any pagans, they made no comment either way about the type of paganism. Do you have a problem with being bunched in with other pegans? Tou think you are better than them? European paganism is literally only called paganism because of the Bible it's not a title European pegans came up with. "Pagan is derived from the Late Latin paganus, which was used at the end of the Roman Empire to name those who practiced a religion other than Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Early Christians often used the term to refer to non-Christians who worshiped multiple deities." Just because its not your definition doesn't mean its not correct.
How about you play victim some more 🤣🤣🤣
" Lolol you literally went off on someone for saying they don't worship a deity and started telling them a bunch of bs🤣🤣
No I dont expect you to just accept what I say but I am correct lol choosing to ignore the facts and be hard headed about it wont benefit you in the end, try reading something different

That answers alot of questions. Just ignore this person, they have hate in there hart. 😒 ignorddd
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You sound condescending and obviously racist. This thread asked if there were any pagans, they made no comment either way about the type of paganism. Do you have a problem with being bunched in with other pegans? Tou think you are better than them? European paganism is literally only called paganism because of the Bible it's not a title European pegans came up with. "Pagan is derived from the Late Latin paganus, which was used at the end of the Roman Empire to name those who practiced a religion other than Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Early Christians often used the term to refer to non-Christians who worshiped multiple deities." Just because its not your definition doesn't mean its not correct.
How about you play victim some more 🤣🤣🤣
" Lolol you literally went off on someone for saying they don't worship a deity and started telling them a bunch of bs🤣🤣
No I do expect you to just accept what I say but I am correct lol choosing to ignore the facts and be hard headed about it wont benefit you in the end, try reading something different

That answers alot of questions. Just ignore this person, they have hate in there hart. 😒
Tell me more about my religion which I obviously know nothing about.
So far you have indirectly called me a nazi, explained my own culture to me, and called me a racist piece of shit 😬
I don't think I'm better than other pagans, I think that 'pagans' who like to steal parts of our religion and wear it as a quirk aren't real pagans, which is common sense really.
Obviously nothing has changed on this website, even though I decided to give it a second chance.
Well, looks like you've only been were a few days.
Were you here with a different screen name previously?
Did you introduce possible volatile topics then too?
Yes Anne, I joined quite a few years ago but I was underage. Even then I found people to be quite condescending and rude for a forum that discusses chickens.
Even now that I've long passed the age limit, It's funny how nothing really changed.
Seems like you couldn't create a decent argument and just label me as a 'religious zealot'. But, feel free to tell me how my religion works.
Don't appropriate my culture, thanks.
Appropriation is rampant in paganism, in fact it’s rampant in all religions. Read some history, read some religious history. I seriously doubt I’ve appropriated your culture, you know nothing about me other than I live in the US. You don’t know if I was born here or elsewhere, where I was raised, or anything about the religious beliefs in my family. You’ve claimed this is YOUR culture but haven’t explained anything about it that proves that. Also, Europe is a big place with LOTS OF DIFFERENT PAGAN TRADITIONS Your culture would simply be the traditions in your area, but wouldn’t necessarily apply to others with different beliefs who also celebrate astronomical events. That’s what you’re arguing about, the celebration of astronomical events. Or a name, Wah, you can’t be pagan because you don’t believe in gods. You just get up on your high horse and throw insults and keep saying mine mine mine. I would love to argue the point, but there are some snowflakes around here who melt at the slightest sign of a disagreement and would cry to the powers that be that we’re being mean to each other and your thread would be closed. Also, I’ve dealt with people like you before and you’re not worth the effort to argue with. In the end you won’t change your mind and I certainly won’t change mine, so we’re done :)
Appropriation is rampant in paganism, in fact it’s rampant in all religions. Read some history, read some religious history. I seriously doubt I’ve appropriated your culture, you know nothing about me other than I live in the US. You don’t know if I was born here or elsewhere, where I was raised, or anything about the religious beliefs in my family. You’ve claimed this is YOUR culture but haven’t explained anything about it that proves that. Also, Europe is a big place with LOTS OF DIFFERENT PAGAN TRADITIONS Your culture would simply be the traditions in your area, but wouldn’t necessarily apply to others with different beliefs who also celebrate astronomical events. That’s what you’re arguing about, the celebration of astronomical events. Or a name, Wah, you can’t be pagan because you don’t believe in gods. You just get up on your high horse and throw insults and keep saying mine mine mine. I would love to argue the point, but there are some snowflakes around here who melt at the slightest sign of a disagreement and would cry to the powers that be that we’re being mean to each other and your thread would be closed. Also, I’ve dealt with people like you before and you’re not worth the effort to argue with. In the end you won’t change your mind and I certainly won’t change mine, so we’re done :)
You seem to throw around the word 'snowflake' yet that's exactly what you're doing, making false claims here and there and failing to argue your point. Fact is, you claimed that i assumed you don't 'believe' when you clearly stated you were an atheist. And paganism is a belief in itself. Therefore you can't be a pagan. I don't know what's so hard to understand about that.
Good day.
Not even you, eh?
Some people just like to raise contentious topics then argue about them,
you might be one of them.
If you get bad reactions, think about your own presentation. ;)
Bit rich coming from you, I can find many posts where people call you rude.
I did not come here with means to argue, I simply wanted to find other pagans in hopes that this site has changed.
Bit rich coming from you, I can find many posts where people call you rude.
I did not come here with means to argue, I simply wanted to find other pagans in hopes that this site has changed.
Yes, I am blunt, most appreciate my straightforward advice.

I do see here that you appreciate explosives...and hope christians don't find your intro.
Then the only thread you start is about religion. SMH.
Chemistry I guess, I make explosives mainly, but I do some other stuff too (don't worry it's totally legal)

I'm also a celtic pagan, (really hope the christians don't find this) and I live in England.
Yes, I am blunt, most appreciate my straightforward advice.

I do see here that you appreciate explosives...and hope christians don't find your intro.
Then the only thread you start is about religion. SMH.
What has my chemistry knowledge got to do with this? Lmao
My religion is important to me, I just wanted to find similar people. I have also commented in other threads since you enjoy cherrypicking.
You have very nice eyes, btw.
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