Any personal experience with SKYBLUE EGGS?

There is a color chart for blue eggs.
Ok then tell everyone where they can find it. Does not help tp keep it secret. I would hope it is free on the web to find and not something people have to pay the club to get it. Not that i need it for i am not working with those breeds.
I have an EE that lays pretty blue eggs I have her mating with a true tufted rumpless araucana from a very blue egg. I can collect about 6 of her eggs if you like for $15 this includes shipping. I suspect that her offspring will lay very blue eggs
I have EE hens that lay just as beautiful blue egg as any of my 3 flocks of Araucanas. Most often much more intense blue.

I breed the Araucanas because I do like the blue egg but the show birds more often lay a less than ideal color. My retired show birds definitely lay a less than beautiful egg but they carry the traits I love about the Araucanas. So this is a work in progress for me.

This is my second breeding season and I am hatching out some really nice double tufted, rumpless chicks. Almost makes me want to take to the show circuit.
Don't get Araucanas if you want good hatchings. We get a lot of lethals but getting those double tufted chicks makes me so giddy I want to burst. And believe me, you set a lot of eggs to get a good hatch every 3 weeks!

However, over the breeding season my EE's have not lost their egg color like my Araucanas and I am pleased with them being just back yard birds.
Just so we get this arent looking for quality birds you just want blue eggs.

Ann at skyblueegg is raising show quality Araucanas, not breeding for blueness of egg. And as most people have mentioned, NO you wont get 100% hatch rate with any SQ araucana eggs. If you breed tufted to tufted 25% of the chicks will die in the shell before hatching.

Just get an EE with a nice blue egg and breed it to a leghorn and start your own line of high production blue eggers.
This is the shade of blue that i am looking for. I prefer an egg to be bluer vs. greener. I don't mind a green layer (I have one) as long as I also get the blue eggs that I am realy looking for! (Its a bit of an obsession, really).

Have you found a "blue" egg layer yet? I am in the same boat as you, and I understand you totally!! I have been looking for a true blue (without any green tinge to the egg at all) for a while now. I used to have a black rumpless araucana that laid very blue eggs and she passed away, so this was about 2 years ago and I have been looking for a replacement for her ever since.

I have a rainbow of egg colors in my basket but I am missing the "true blue" eggs now so my collection isn't so complete as it used to be. :-(

I have raised 10 easter eggers/ameraucanas this year, and so this coming spring I hope to get at least one that lays the "true blue eggs" I am looking for. But, I guess I will have to be satisfied if the closest I can get to blue is aqua. I probably won't try again after this though! lol :)
As has been said in this thread before, blue is in the eye of the beholder. I have both Wheaten/ Blue Wheaten Ameraucana, and Blue Ameraucana that lay a very pretty light sky or powder blue, I can not see any green in them, but someone else might. I also have an EE that lays a dark blue, almost like a lightly washed blue jean blue, I also don't see any green in them, but some might see a different color than i do. Some might call the EE's egg more of a gray blue.

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